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Buying a fire hula hoop

Fire Hoops seem to be a very talked about topic these days and more and more people are looking to buy one. I see a lot of talk about which fire rings are the best, which are the lightest, the heaviest, the most portable, etc. So what should you look for when shopping for a hoop?


  • a hoop will travel a bit slower and give you more of a workout, it will also give your internal organs a good massage.
  • a lighter ring of fire will be faster, easier to throw, won’t tire you out as quickly, but might also be more difficult to use.


  • The size you choose for your fire ring should be close to what you already use. The spines make the hoop appear much larger than it actually is. I recommend that you buy one that is slightly smaller than the hula hoop you normally play with. The added weight of the spines will make up for the difference in size.

Tape or sanding?

  • This is a new feature in the world of hooping. The people who like sanded hoops are the ones who like a super duper super light hoop. You can get a sanded hoop here http://www.thespinsterz.com/hoops/build_a_hoop.htm
  • a ribboned hoop still seems to be the way most people go as it looks so much better than a bare black hoop.

Foldable or not?

  • Getting a collapsible Fire Hoop seems to be what most people buy these days, although if you don’t plan on traveling much then you really shouldn’t need it to be collapsible. You won’t really notice any difference between a collapsible hoop and a non-collapsible hoop. Both react the same and have the same qualities. Some people may say that a collapsible hoop wobbles, but it all depends on the manufacturer of the hoop.

Flexible or rigid spines?

  • The idea behind flexible spines is that when the spine hits the ground it will bend to absorb the impact, a rigid spine will not and will bend or break. Flexible is becoming the industry standard for most beginners. If you are more advanced and never drop your hoop or let your spines touch the ground. So a stiff spine should be fine for you.

Hopefully this will help you out a bit on your quest for the perfect fire hoop. Remember that all fire rings will have different features, benefits, and drawbacks, so take your time and find the right one for you.


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