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Lifestyle Fashion

Can food be addictive?

When we hear the word addiction, what comes to mind is an image of someone hooked on heroin or cocaine. We rarely think of food as addictive. Well, I am here to tell you categorically that food is just as…

Scheduled Dreams – Schedule dreams to get answers about the future

Programmed dreams continue to amaze me. There seems to be no limit to what they can reveal. We demonstrate this repeatedly with cause and treatment for health problems that are not yet known in modern medicine. We also demonstrate it…

The Blakoe Ring! Treat Erectile Dysfunction and Low Testosterone Naturally!

Are you wondering about the Blakoe Ring? For those who suffer from low testosterone or possible erectile dysfunction, this product may be helpful. Many users of these natural testosterone-producing products have experienced levels of success that make using the product…

Is there a cure for skin cancer?

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in humans, affecting millions of people worldwide each year. This cancer is caused by excessive exposure to the sun, radiation, carcinogens, and aging. There are three types: basal cell carcinoma, melanoma,…

Celebrity Spas – Be a celebrity!

Any celeb worth their weight at an Academy Award knows that their camera-ready close-ups are only as good as the pampering, buffing, preening, and blasting treatments they receive to fade those tiny crow’s feet and firm up the butt. And…


As I prepared to set my own goals for this year, I looked around to see what other people were doing. It was interesting to see the many variations of SMART goals. A SMART goal is a fantastic tool that…

How To Cure Yeast Infection: Some Of The Foods To Avoid

If you suffer from yeast infection, you shouldn’t worry too much about it. Here are some tips to heal yourself and live a better life. One of the ways to prevent yeast infections is to avoid harmful foods. Avoid all…

Secrets and Tools of the Law of Attraction

One of the secrets of the Law of Attraction is that matter does not exist as such. What we perceive with our five senses is nothing more than light energy. This is part of the inspired truths taught in A…

The Best Tech Gears of 2010

The year that is about to end has seen some of the most exciting devices sporting unrivaled technical wizardry since the turn of the 21st century. Here are some of the notable ones that should be in every tech geek’s…

The 3 Ways Narcissistic and Controlling People Think

It is recommended that if you are in any way involved in a relationship (or any association) with a narcissistic person that you try, by any means, to get out of their control. One of the reasons this is common…