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The Trump hoax

It is increasingly evident today that if a person is poor or becomes so impoverished, it is most likely that they are doomed to a life of misery and desolation. No longer are her avenues of opportunity waiting behind every door. Even with college degrees in today’s society, graduates are no longer guaranteed to get living-wage jobs in their field of study. There simply isn’t the availability of employment opportunities that even come close to providing not only employment but also living wages. This is one of the most depressing times for everyone who needs living wage jobs. When such a vacuum of employment opportunities still remains, it becomes a lesson in futility. We can go to any city in any part of the country and find multitudes that are so impoverished. In this day and age, it is inconceivable that so many Americans should be left so destitute. With Trump at the helm, he has made it possible to make deep cuts to our public services. Services that can make a difference so our citizens don’t go hungry, homeless or have public services cut off through no fault of their own.

The politics of wealth permeates every election across this country. Just look at what is happening across the country. Every Republican-led legislature has conspired against the poor, the destitute, the weak, and even our elderly. The politics of wealth controls the destinies of so many. When legislatures abolished multi-member districts, they made it much easier to rig elections. With multi-billion dollar donors, these power brokers have made it easy for entrenched politicians, primarily Republicans, to reign over anyone who opposes them. In their mad frenzy for power and control, many of our elected officials today are all consumed by greed. Their insatiable thirst for money is only satisfied by the special interest groups and corporate lobbyist funds that keep coming. Recent Supreme Court rulings have made it abundantly clear that money flowing like water into the campaigns of career politicians is the dominant factor in today’s elections. Money gets its way in every election.

When our country was founded, our founding fathers did not imagine that after 200 years our democratic republic would succumb to Trump and the greed of the people to control, manipulate, coerce and deceive the public. Shaping government policies that have ignored the plight of so many in favor of more wealth for just a few have eroded the fundamental values ​​of our democracy. Many are now convinced that our democracy cannot survive unless there is complete government reform. A National Economic Reform initiative with built-in comprehensive campaign finance reform is essential to preserving our democratic way of life that was intended when our nation was young. Yet both Democrats and Republicans seem to be ignorant of the clear facts that our entire political system is in need of complete overhaul.

There continues to be a flagrant disregard for the welfare of the general public when legislatures now routinely ignore the concerns of their constituents. A more recent example occurred in the Florida legislature when it passed a major rewrite of state environmental laws that actually made it much easier for large companies to ignore environmental requirements that were previously in place to protect the environment. With the Trump Administration it has only solidified the fact that environmental protection is not a priority. In fact, they have cut much-needed funding that would go a long way toward protecting our environment. When the Florida bill was passed, it was designed for the sole purpose of ignoring environmental concerns just to favor more corporate profits. These new gains will ultimately find their way back to those legislatures that supported, sponsored, and passed a law that undermines the future of the state of Florida. Another prime example of malfeasance by the legislature is its failure to alleviate the financial hardship imposed on so many. Today’s cost of living is at the highest level in history, and yet our elected officials continue to favor substantial business profit margins at the expense of working America. With the tariffs proposed by Trump, it is reinforced that our economy is in real trouble.

There is a much bigger picture here than what the mainstream media reports and that is that the entire spectrum of our economy is intertwined in multifaceted contingencies. And each one is in serious danger. Education is a very internal factor in our economy. Yet even with the recent violence in public schools, cities across the country run serious budget deficits. But, the budget proposed by Trump in conjunction with the current Secretary of Education only exasperates a deterioration now so deep that it will only push the budgets of all states even further away from the support spending required by law. As it stands today, public education for our youth not only in the state of Florida but across the country is in dire need of reform.

Like many cities and states currently facing monumental budget declines, what’s missing is the crucial factor that essentially pushed every city, town, and state to the brink of financial disaster. All the Republicans can propose are tax breaks for wealthy, corporate Americans in response to creating enough jobs to meet those budget deficits. Given the temperament and raison d’être of CEOs and business owners, any jobs created or additional hiring of the corresponding wages or salaries will never equal the budget crisis that every state and this country find themselves in today. Only comprehensive reform of the policies that are in place today will have an impact in reversing the misfortunes of so many Americans. Once again, our elected officials, both Democrats and Republicans, along with the Trump administration, do not seem to understand the severity of the problems our entire economy is in.

Now, as the FCC has approved nanocrystal technology as an energy source for the future, it should be a wake-up call for the entire country to implement this new technology in all aspects of our society. Just think that power outages will be a thing of the past. No more power lines dangling overhead waiting to go down when high winds hit. Our entire infrastructure would be stabilized using this technology. We think the cost of living is high today, just wait if our government continues on this path of denial and apathy towards the general public in the way our energy policies are today. In reality, the United States is in grave danger because we have become so old-fashioned and insensitive about our energy policies. Until we recognize this fact and begin a genuine but difficult transition from crude oil-based energy to this new technology and other renewable sources of green energy, not only will the cost of everything continue to rise, but our planet will continue to suffer the consequences of more global warming.

An apparent real and eminent danger awaits the United States if government policy reform is not carried out. The longer Trump, the Democrats, and the Republicans remain on this path of complete lack of empathy for our own population, the more depressed our entire economy will become. From banking practices that continue to ignore the lessons of the past to our reluctance to implement strategic policies to ensure that another financial crisis does not cripple our entire economy to Trump and his Administration, the total chaos of the office of the Presidency that this country is prepared. suffer another major economic and financial catastrophe more devastating than any we have experienced. Until the public realizes how Trump and our elected officials have misled the public, America will remain ineffective in reducing the many crises plaguing this country.

We have the technology, resources and capacity to solve the most important problems facing our society today. Yet there remains the inability of our public officials to realize what it takes to solve the many crises of our time. We must also realize that Trump has misled and is misleading the American public and has no inclination to put an end to all the problems we face today. What is needed is a master plan that details how to achieve the results that will ensure the future of this country. A future filled with stability, growth and prosperity for all Americans and not just the 1%. A future that we can bring hope to all humanity. And it is based on the implementation of the Ten Articles of Confederation of the National Economic Reform.


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