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Chicken Coup Layouts for Newbies!

Styling a chicken coup is actually a lot easier than you might think. There are a few considerations to keep in mind and you should be good to go! First, you’ll need a good plan that you can trust. Your plan must take into account your specific requirements, the conditions of the area and the size of the poultry to be successful. To this end, you must keep in mind the following things:

A. Your poultry: This will mainly decide what size of chicken stroke you should get. Here’s the breakdown:

A. 2 to 4 chickens: Chicken Tractor/Ark. 20 square feet of space.
b. 4 to 8 Chickens: Medium Cup Chicken. Space 25 to 30 square feet.
against 10 or more Chickens: Hit a large chicken. Over 40 square feet of space.

b. Your backyard: If you’ve decided to go for the medium-sized or large coup, can your backyard accommodate it? Also remember that you don’t want your backyard to look ugly with a bump on it.

against Predators: Is predation a problem where you stay? If so, what kind of predators do you (or would you) have to deal with? Mainly, there are two forms of predators: ground and airborne. Your punch must be designed to handle both.

d. The weather: The weather is also an important thing that must be considered. Consider the following:

A. Cold Weather: Requires insulation and windows placed so that cold drafts do not affect birds.
b. Hot climate: requires adequate ventilation and plenty of space for the chickens.
vs. Rainy Weather: requires the strike to be placed on high ground or on stilts

my. Mod cons: Your chicken coop will need to be equipped with some basic amenities, such as waterers and feeders, and also a good nesting area for the chicken.


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