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Using the law of attraction in the most effective way

When it comes to using the law of attraction to get what you want in life and ultimately improve your level of existence, it is imperative that you first study the law until it becomes a subjective matter, rather than an objective one. . It is very good to know that there is a law and to go through the motions, such as writing wishes, visualizing and using affirmations. However, doing that will give you zero results and I mean zero, because it requires a lot more than a dedicated wish list and making pretty pictures in your mind.

Here is my own personal list of what it takes in terms of using the law of attraction most effectively to ensure that what you want becomes yours.

In order of importance:

1. A deep understanding of the law of attraction, and this means finding and reading as much information as possible. Where do you find it? The Internet abounds with all the information you will need on the subject. Look up people like Wallace Delois Wattles, Neville Goddard, and Genevieve Behrend. They are just three of the great Masters of yesteryear.

2. An understanding of yourself, your purpose, and what REALLY makes you happy. Forget what the masses in general want, what do YOU ​​want? It’s easy to say I want a flat screen TV or a new car, that’s what everyone else wants, because they are luxuries and they are a symbol of wealth. Sit for a moment and think about what it is that makes you truly happy, a happiness that is eternal, unlimited, not the short-term happiness that possessions bring you. It may come in the form of a dream you gave up on, or a hobby or experience you once had, but when you find it, you’ll know it because you’ll feel a powerful drive for it. That’s the key, because that’s your purpose and when you use the law of attraction according to your purpose, you won’t even need to try that hard because all it takes is strong emotion, belief, faith, and desire. Find your purpose.

3.Secret. Do not tell others about what you are currently focusing on attracting. Doing that will only scatter your thought energy, which means there won’t be enough left over to attract your desire. Concentrate and focus your energy only on living as if what you want is already yours. Also, most people would be skeptical of your mission and you don’t need that to cloud your mind.

4. Routinely. Morning, noon, and night, spend your time bathing in the feeling of already having your desire. Feel it, close your eyes and look at it. Bring it to the present, to the now. It is not something you are going to receive; it’s something you already have! Remember that important point.

The points I mentioned above are the main areas to focus on in that order. If you do, you will have taken a big step toward using the Law of Attraction the way it is meant to be used, although it may take time. Remember, your mind is conditioned to doubt, judge and fear and it will naturally take time for you to really understand and use your powers of thought properly.


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