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The truth about cold sores

Although statistics vary, about 70 percent of all American adults have oral herpes (cold sores), but not everyone develops symptoms. Many people are unaware of the virus or think it’s no big deal, but the herpes virus is highly contagious. Cold sores and cold sores come from herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), but make no mistake, simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) can also cause cold sores, so it’s important to be careful!

Personally, I have been battling cold sores since I was eighteen years old. I know exactly which “wrong guy” I kissed, but that’s neither here nor there. One of my best friends also suffers from cold sores, and over the years we’ve traded countless remedies for the nasty stuff. I think of them as creatures that sneak up on me, usually without warning and often when it’s most inconvenient. I treat them as I would any unwelcome visitor, and I fight them with everything I have.

“I read that if you take L-Lysine daily, you can prevent cold sores,” my friend Sue told me. So I dutifully took L-Lysine daily for many years, but it did nothing to crush the evil monster inside of her. As soon as my lip tingled, I grabbed whatever cure I had in my medicine cabinet and believe me, I’ve tried them all.

In the 1990s, I ordered several small spray bottles of a mysterious liquid that was being touted as the next big cure. I sprayed it into my mouth whenever I felt that irritating tingle, to the point where my kids would imitate me with their hands, pumping air into their mouths while spitting “tcht, tcht.” They thought it was fun, but they didn’t have to suffer.

It took me several years to learn what worked for cold sores and what didn’t, but until then, horrible things interrupted my life. I canceled appointments, called in sick and lied… just to avoid being seen with a cold sore! Every time I had one, I felt like he took over my face and his evil voice growled and snarled at the people on my lip.

My friend Sue, who is equally obsessed with cold sores, and I spent years researching and learned a lot. I’m a fan of preventative care now, and I rarely get cold sores, although for many years I did get one a month, often in sync with my menstrual cycle.

What we discovered is simple:

1. Stress is the biggest contributing factor. When a big event is coming up, like my best friend’s wedding, I’ll be cold sore free until the event, and then, poof! One sneaks in the back door when I’m not looking at the day after the event-after I have lowered my guard. (I told you they were evil).

two. Never touch a cold sore! And if you accidentally touch one, wash your hands immediately. Not only can you get re-infected elsewhere, you can also infect others. Also, touching it only prolongs its life.

3. Always use a separate personal towel during an outbreak. I even use a separate towel for my face.

Four. Never drink from someone else’s glass.

5. Keep out of direct sun. Obviously, this isn’t always possible, but when you’re out in the sun, use a lip balm with an SPF. Thirty or more is best, but if all you can find is a 15 SPF lip balm, apply it more often.

Sometimes the cold deceives us thinking that the sun does not give us, but it is not like that. Wear SPF lip balm outdoors, even in winter, whether you’re skiing, running, or snowmobiling. And don’t neglect your upper lip and chin. I never knew cold sores could spread there until Sue told me that’s where she always gets it.

6. Avoid foods rich in the amino acid arginine, which can activate the virus. Eating tomatoes or any other acidic food can inflame the wound and slow healing. These foods include chocolate, cola, beer, whole grains, chicken soup, gelatin, seeds, nuts, peas, and tomatoes.

7. The prescription drug Valtrex or its generic, Acyclovir, is your best friend. As soon as you feel that telltale tingle, you should take 1 to 2 grams twice a day, morning and night, for up to three days. This almost always flushes it out of your system, unless the evil force has already turned into a blister without you noticing; this can often happen without the warning of tingling/itching.

8. My best advice? Take preventive L-lysine or a low dose of acyclovir (500 mg) up to a week in advance if you know you will be in a stressful situation or in the scorching sun all day.

Many of us hang our heads and hide in shame like the walking plague whenever a cold sore breaks out. But know that you are not alone. There is no need to cancel dates or call in sick if you take preventive measures whenever you can.


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