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Health Fitness

Musculoskeletal pain related to long work hours can be alleviated with chiropractic care

During my 35 years of practicing chiropractic I have noticed that people work hard! Whether it’s physical work in construction or a factory, working in healthcare as a nurse, hygienist, health technician or assistant, or sitting long hours at a desk, these activities can have a deleterious effect on your health. the body. Many people who work long hours who have musculoskeletal pain can be helped with chiropractic care. With a little forethought and caution, many painful musculoskeletal conditions can be avoided. Prevention is the key!

Just today, I’m talking to a 74-year-old retired plumber who wasn’t my patient. He told me that he had already had back surgery, open heart surgery, diabetes causing neuropathy in his feet, and that he had a severely arthritic knee. He said that he had worked from the age of 16 to the age of 60 when he retired. I asked him if he had ever been to a chiropractor and he said no. He made me speculate how much better his health would have been if he had been under chiropractic care from the time he began his vocation.

I have many patients who have worked for decades in extremely physical jobs and patients who have also worked for decades in sedentary jobs who have very few health problems. There are several key factors that they say have helped them maintain good health when others in their professions are in declining health. These factors include getting enough sleep, eating food to fuel your body, not feeding your emotions, and receiving regular chiropractic care. Many of these patients have come to me at least once a month for decades. They don’t come to me for pain or symptoms, they come to keep their spine well aligned and moving correctly. This helps keep your back strong and less susceptible to stress and injury.

Chiropractic care is undoubtedly excellent for relieving neck, mid-back, and lower back pain. However, many people choose to use chiropractic care beyond the initial pain relief phase and move on to regular maintenance care and simple stretching and strengthening exercises at home to maintain good health. This is a lot like going to the dentist regularly to keep your teeth healthy or having an annual blood test to detect potential health problems in the early stages. It is advisable for those who work long hours to have chiropractic care to minimize the musculoskeletal pain that occurs over a lifetime of work.


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