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Men’s skin care: an exercise to keep your skin in excellent shape

Attention men! Skincare is no longer just a women’s thing.

Just as we take care of our teeth by brushing and flossing, and wearing deodorant and cologne, men need to take better care of their skin. And it doesn’t stop there either. Many men sport well-groomed beards and mustaches. We make sure to trim nose hair and any out-of-control ear hair. We’ve been taking care of ourselves for years!

Now is the time to take a step forward. Here are some tips to keep you looking young, healthy and handsome, and I’m not talking about nail polish or cuticles. No makeup or dye.

Simple and easy skin care.

Just like you would take care of your car or truck with a regular wash and wax. Think of it this way: you are more important than that clean car, after all, you are the driver. How about making the driver look as good or better than the car?

FACT: Our skin is the largest organ so it deserves respect.

Guys, this is what you need to do to keep your skin “fit” and “in shape”.

Use lotion – Find a lotion that can help reduce the signs of aging. There are many options/scents available. More and more manufacturers recognize that men are a largely untapped market, so they are working very hard to make lotions that fit our needs.

SUNSCREEN – Everyone needs to apply sunscreen. It doesn’t matter your skin color, age, geographic location or any other factor. Sunscreen is extremely important. For one thing, it can help reduce the chance of skin cancer. Second, it can help prevent painful sunburn. I recommend a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 that is effective against both UVA and UVB rays. If you have fair skin or prefer better protection, use a sunscreen with an SPF of 50+.

Lip balm: a must for any man. Keep a tube of lip balm handy and apply it throughout the day. Select a lip balm with sunscreen to help prevent your lips from getting sunburned. Use lip balm every day, regardless of the season.

Moisturizing Body Wash: I am amazed at how many body washes are geared towards men. It’s time! Find a body wash that contains a moisturizer. Those hot showers feel great, but they can lead to dry skin. Consider getting a variety based on your mood or plans for the day.

Aftershave lotion – Emphasis on the lotion. Avoid aftershave with alcohol. This leads to dry skin and who wants dry skin? It also stings if you cut yourself while shaving. Look for a lotion that has an added sunscreen. Apply generously to the face, neck (front and back) and don’t forget the ears. The sun can be very brutal for unprotected ears.

Razor Blades and Electric Shavers – A clean razor or a new razor can really make a world of difference. Dull razors or razors pull and drag on whiskers, irritating the skin and causing cuts. If you use a razor, select a good quality shaving cream with a moisturizer.
The best practice is to change razors frequently and keep the razor clean.

Foot powder or powder: Regular application of foot powder or powder will keep your feet from smelling bad and the skin from cracking and itching. It will also help prevent athlete’s foot. You will be happy and your family too.


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