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Enough With the Lying Boyfriend: Know the Signs You’re Not Telling the Truth

Do you think you have a lying boyfriend but you are not so sure? Do you want to know the signs that he is lying? Have you ever wondered if he has really been honest with you all along? It may be difficult for you to face the fact that he is not honest. I wonder why is that? It’s because you’re probably still obsessed with the so-called good qualities that he has. It may also be because he is so smart. However, a habitual liar is too much. He won’t do your relationship any good. Sure, the occasional white lie is okay, but if he continues to lie to keep you in the dark, then it’s time you do something about it. But first, you need to know some signs that he is lying.

1. He doesn’t look you straight in the eye.

Surely he doesn’t seem bored when you ask him a question. But one thing you notice is that his eyes wander. He doesn’t look you directly in the eye when you ask him the question. You will notice that there is a lack of eye contact. But take note, some men are wise now. They know that when they lie, they should look you straight in the eye. Well, you have to trust your instinct. He usually tells you the truth.

two. his voice is different

His voice is different, in a way his voice cracks. You have to know that it is one of the most common signs that they give away. Due to his guilt, there is a change in the modulation of his voice. Men who lie put a little pressure on their strings. And because of that, his voice sounds like it’s “cracking”. Be enthusiastic when it comes to hearing your voice. Don’t take it for granted. He may already be lying to you.

3. Change the subject to something else.

Men have this mantra. They believe that what a woman doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Well yes, you can smoke with that kind of mantra. That’s because men don’t know how to tell you nicely. You’ll know he’s not telling the truth when he tries to divert the subject to something else. Always avoid a particular question and divert your attention from the topic.

Four. He gets defensive every time you ask him that question.

You ask him a particular question, to your surprise he smokes. He doesn’t usually do that. You see, when a guy is cornered, he has no choice but to react in anger. If he becomes so aggressive, it is a sure sign that he is hiding something from you.

Here are some signs that could indicate that you have a lying boyfriend. However, it is better if you confront him. Dealing with dishonesty is a pretty big thing. How you react has a huge impact. Either you will lose him or he will change. Expect the worst. After all, dishonesty is a serious mistake a man can make with his partner.


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