
Innovation right here


Will the new job or career I like be the right career for me?

As a psychologist and career counselor, I have worked with thousands of people over the years who are choosing or changing careers and wondering if they would really like to be in a particular career. Based on this experience, I believe that most people who want to pursue a career that they think they would like do not really explore the questions they need to make sure it is the right career for them.

Here is a list of 20 questions to find answers to before concluding that a career you think you would like is really right for you, followed by 9 sources of information to answer these questions:


1. Overall, why do you think you will “like” this race?

two. Why is it important for you to enter this career? What values, needs and objectives does it satisfy?

3. What do you really know about this race?

Four. Do you have any direct experience in this career? Have you had any volunteer work or experience?

5. Have you talked to people who are in this career?

6. Have you read anything about the race?

7. What are the opportunities? What kind of money can you make in this field and where are the vacancies?

8. What would your typical day be like in this race?

9. What are the downsides, downsides, and obstacles to this career?

10. Do your interests coincide with the interests of others in this career?

eleven. Do you have the skills, abilities, and abilities to be successful in this career?

12. Do you have the education or training to enter this career?

13. Do you have the personality traits that will make you successful in your new career?

14. Do you have the motivation and energy to keep going and do what you would need to do to get into the new career?

fifteen. What are your “transferable” skills? That is, what skills or knowledge do you have now that you can use in the new career?

sixteen. What skills or knowledge do you have that would not only be transferable, but would also be a unique advantage in the new career?

17. What does it take to get into the new career? What type of additional training, education or experience would you need?

18. Have you developed a specific plan, including specific timelines and goals to be achieved?

19. Do you have a support network of family, friends, coworkers, or other important people?

twenty. Having answered all the above questions, do you still “like” the race and think it is a good idea to get into it, and why?

I think you will find that there are many resources that you can use to answer the questions above. Among them:

1. Read. This would include not only the hundreds of books and brochures on careers and career choice, but also publications that describe careers (such as the Occupational Outlook Handbook, published by the US Department of Labor and available on the Internet).

two. Practical experience. Not only is it possible to get a full-time or part-time job, but you can also volunteer in an organization or company for a couple of hours a week, just to get to know the area. Generally, any organization is happy to have this kind of help (unless they think you are an investigative reporter for some newspaper or television show).

3. Advice for job search. Anyone changing career directions needs a highly competitive job search strategy. This should include resume, cover letter, and job interview strategies that are specific to your situation. This can also include advice on labor market research.

Four. A thorough self-assessment. This is not an evaluation of yourself, but an evaluation of yourself. A good professional counselor can provide this type of evaluation, which would include counseling and testing.

5. Race tests. In general, the tests are divided into three categories: 1) tests of aptitude, ability and skills, 2) tests of professional interest and 3) tests of personality and motivation that focus on characteristics related to the professional world.

6. Career coaching. Guided discussions with an expert can help you clarify your goals, strategies, and commitment.

7. Education and training. Before starting a full-time degree program, it is possible to take a course, seminar, workshop, or short certification program in your new career.

8. Networks. There are many job clubs and career resource centers available to explore new careers. Schools, career counselors, and other professionals can usually provide you with information on these resources.

9. Informative interview. It’s generally not a good idea to start a career if you haven’t talked to at least a few people who are already in it and can give you the truth. You can also speak to people in academic and training programs.

Armed with all this information and knowledge, you should now be in a better position to judge whether taking the next step in this new career area makes sense for you.


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