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What Is the Difference Between a Hindu Or Buddhist Funeral Rites?

Buddhist Funeral Rites

There are many Buddhist funeral services, and the Buddhist tradition is not one of them. The Buddhist traditions focus on celebrating life after death, so there is no requirement for a memorial ceremony in the Buddhist tradition. Instead, there is a ceremony for “farewell” that typically lasts three days following the death. The person leaving the mortal life has an opportunity to return to earth and dedicate his or her life to dharma – yoga, meditation, study, prayer and spiritual pursuits.

In certain areas, where Buddhism is most popular, there are some traditions that do incorporate Buddhist funeral rites. For instance, some Buddhist monasteries may have a small memorial ceremony for the deceased within their property before they go to the crematory. However, the Buddhist scriptures do not require that there be a memorial service of any kind. Some Buddhist funeral rites are rather elaborate with monks chanting scriptures, playing music, dancing and even burbling.

If you would like to follow some of these Buddhist funeral customs, the best time to do so is prior to the actual funeral. There are a number of different ways to pay tribute to your loved one. You can have a simple service where all family members attend and then give gifts to those who are absent. It’s also possible to have someone perform funeral readings and prayers in your honor. Alternatively, you may choose to have a Buddhist monk perform your ceremony, and wear white garments in memory of your loved one.

What Is the Difference Between a Hindu Or Buddhist Funeral Rites?

In India, where buddhism originated, there are many examples of Buddhist funeral ceremonies. In these funerals, the body is not cremated but treated with respect and honor as a way of showing respect to the deceased. In some cases, the cremains are not given to the family, but used for different purposes such as throwing beans at the funeral candles. There are also a number of different rituals which may be performed prior to or during the cremation in order to pay homage to the deceased.

Some of the more popular Buddhist funeral customs include cremation, which has been a practice for centuries, and the wearing of white garments. However, in the United States, Buddhist traditions may differ slightly, as some mourners choose not to wear a white dress. In many cases, family members will also choose not to wear a white funeral dress in memory of their loved one.

Regardless of what, or how, you choose to go about honoring a loved one, it’s important to respect the memory of your dear friend or relative by observing all the necessary Buddhist funeral rites. Although the customs and beliefs of buddhistism are not always clear to people of other religions, the following ways of dressing and memorializing a deceased may help you to follow a similar path. For example, bodied Buddha images are often displayed during Buddhist funerals to honor the bodhisattvas. Wearing multi colored medallions and carrying an elegant funeral jewelry set can make wearing a white dress more acceptable.


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