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Use data to power teams

Leaders often wonder how growth can be generated within their organization or company. As an educator, I develop a culture of achievement within my classroom. This is a form of leadership that will definitely carry over into business endeavors. One way to generate a sense of accomplishment is to share data. Data can propel a team to achieve exceptional goals in particular areas. This could be due to performance or the result of the task. Data review helps give the team a sense of direction and a point of control to monitor the current state of reality. Let’s look at some tips to make the data accessible to your team.

Make it current

It is important to have a data tracking system that facilitates the retrieval of current information. This will help you make decisions that accurately address current situations. This system could be an expensive program or a Google spreadsheet. Whatever system you use, it should be easy to follow. After choosing a system or program and determining what it will monitor, be sure to check on progress regularly. Some examples of data that can be accessed include: sales, production performance, wage increases, market data. All of this must be taken into account.

Keep it simple

While numbers and formulas can be a wonderful tool, you need to present your data in a way that is digestible for your audience. If a chart is used, make sure it is labeled and that your team understands where the analyzes are coming from. This will allow your data gathering to be efficient. While you should be sure that your employees or team members are highly skilled and intelligent, it is not fair to assume that everyone has a Ph.D. in economics.

Make it identifiable

Numbers will be just numbers unless colleagues understand what they mean. There are many types of employees, and if I have a colleague similar to me, they will want to understand the social implications of the data. It is not always about the end result; It can also be about the “why” of the importance of data. Will this data affect our customers, employees or competitors?

Allow comments and criticism

It is imperative that your team can openly analyze and discuss data. Ask your team what trends they are noticing. How can we improve? I am always amazed by the responses and inferences my team makes regarding performance. This helps all of us understand what is missing and what needs to be done to solve particular problems. As a leader, you can also receive feedback on the ways you can help the team achieve its goals.

Businesses must understand how data can trigger employee action. Leaders must understand how to convey data to their colleagues. Whenever you choose to implement a data analysis regimen, remember: update it, keep it simple, make it identifiable, and allow feedback and criticism from your colleagues. This will ensure that the company culture is established.


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