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Find or be found? That is the question!

The Labor Department announced in June that the average duration of unemployment is at an all-time high, averaging 39.7 weeks. Are these the times we’re living in? What can people be doing differently?

Based on my recent experiences with Career Coaching clients from a variety of backgrounds, the answer lies in the approach method. Many people use what I call the “Be Found” approach. This mainly consists of placing your resume/profile on multiple professional networking sites, submitting resumes through online applications, tagging your resume/profile with strategic keywords so it can be picked up through searches, etc. The hope of doing all this work is that someone will stumble across your resume/profile/portfolio, discover your experience, and contact you.

Have people found jobs using the Get Found approach? Sure. Recruiters absolutely use tools like LinkedIn to find great talent. But the reality is, you’ll be one of 100 other people who look great on paper. Heck, sometimes it’s not even real people leaking resumes. I recently blogged at CareerStr8Talk.com about how recruiters often rely on computer software that scans resumes for keywords and “filters” a list of qualified applicants. But people take advantage of this software and use keywords throughout their resume to match. This results in recruiters having to weed out a backlog of unqualified applicants. My point? That while you’re sitting and waiting, recruiters have a hard time realizing what sets you apart.

This being the case, I recommend that you take the search approach. “Find” means having the attitude that you are not waiting for someone to find you, but that you will get in their way. There are multiple ways to find decision makers through focused strategies and the use of social media like LinkedIn. Some of these decision makers may not even have job offers…yet. Even then you want to meet and take the opportunity to make a lasting impression.

Finding these decision makers starts with targeting a specific role and industry. Connect through social media or through a referral, then YOU schedule a meeting, even if it’s just for coffee. Do this with as many key leaders within your target market as possible so that you become a known identity within the industry. This will set you apart in the minds of decision makers, which means you won’t get lost in the shuffle of your resume.

Remember that leaders always look for good people before they need them. So when an organization is expanding, or a manager is underperforming and wants to make a change, or is thinking about restructuring their department, YOU will be the first thing on their minds and who they contact first.

Every hiring decision maker would pick someone they know and trust over who they might find in a stack of resumes any day.

So take the first step. Start searching until you find the career you want.


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