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Two ways to live longer! Do you want to live more than 100 healthy years?

1. Live longer avoiding glycation end products (AGEs). Avoid products with added sugar whenever possible because when you eat products with added sugar, found in most commercially prepared and processed foods, the added sugar combines with proteins to produce AGE cellular sticky masses that are much like glue in Throughout your body, brain and between individual cells it quickly slows down your body’s ability to perform at its optimum level.

Not only does age cause rapid degenerative aging, it also makes electrical impulses and synapses in the brain and nervous system no longer able to process the complex and rapidly neural and nerve signals necessary for normal physical and mental reactions. AGE also promotes inflammation, promotes skin aging by inhibiting proper collagen and skin revitalization, and accelerates degenerative aging and immune deficiencies, such as Alzheimer’s, heart disease, diabetes, macular degeneration, and cancer, among many diseases and diseases related to aging. Just avoiding products with added sugar can prevent many of these degenerative diseases and add decades of healthy vital years to your brain and life.

2. Take vitamin K to help promote better health, less osteoporosis, to prevent hardening of the arteries and heart disease.

New research indicates the importance of getting more naturally-based vitamin K in your body, especially K2 in the MK-7 form

Getting more vitamin K into your system has recently been shown to be one of the most important nutrients needed to help your body age optimally and may well allow your body to live 10 to 20 or more years longer than without getting enough vitamin k. Vitamin K is not only essential to help the blood clot, but it also helps prevent bone loss and helps prevent calcium that leaks from the bones from settling and calcifying the arteries (hardening of the arteries) and heart valves.

The ongoing Framingham Nurse study of more than 72,000 women over a ten-year period and a similar Framingham heart study of 888 elderly men over a seven-year period found that women in the lowest 1/5 percentile with the fewest of vitamin K intake had a 30% higher risk of hip fractures than women with the highest amounts of daily intake of vitamin K and men in the highest percentage of a quarter with the highest amount of vitamin. K intake had a 65% lower risk of hip fracture than those in the lowest quarter percentile of daily vitamin K intake. Source: Life Extension Magazine, January 2009, p. 65.

Taking the correct types of vitamin K through supplements can help reverse calcification in your arteries and heart valves by helping to keep more calcium within your bones. Reducing the amount of calcium circulating in the bloodstream can not only help prevent osteoporosis, it can also save lives by increasing healthy blood flow and reducing the hardening of calcium in the arteries, which helps maintain better elasticity. blood vessels and this helps stimulate better blood circulation to all parts of the body.

There are several types of vitamin K. Vitamin K1 is found in vegetables like green leafy vegetables, vitamin K2 is also found in egg yolks, cheese, and fermented soybeans that the Japanese call natto. A new type of Vit K2 discovered is called the MK-7 form of Vitamin K2 and it can stay in the bloodstream for up to seven to eight times longer than Vitamin K1. Taking a mixture of vitamin K1 together with vitamin K in the form of vitamin MK-7 and also taking vitamin K2 in the form of MK-4 can provide important overall benefits from the synergy of the 3 types of vitamin K.

Unfortunately, largely out of ignorance of recent research on the importance of vitamin K, many doctors today advise patients taking warfarin (Coumadin) not to take extra vitamin K due to concerns that taking extra vitamin K may restrict the blood flow by stimulating unwarranted blood clotting. This alarm is not usually a cause for concern when taking moderate amounts of the vitamin. K2 and deliberately working with a physician who is familiar with anticoagulants (blood thinners) and vitamin K and who monitors blood clotting routinely with quarterly or semi-annual periodic blood tests. Additionally, long-term studies indicate that not getting enough vitamin K not only causes brittle bones, but it also helps contribute to dangerous calcification of all major heart valves.

If the above was not enough as exciting news about the benefits of vitamin K, vitamin K is also showing cancer prevention benefits by discouraging inflammation and encouraging apoptosis of cancer cells (deadly cancer cells that die the normal way). and are replaced by healthy cells). Additionally, vitamin K supplementation helps improve insulin use in men with type II diabetes, but longer-term studies are needed to see if this same improved insulin benefit applies to women.

I have found a great source of nutritional supplements that provide excellent low calorie nutrition but are high in important vitamins (including vitamin K), minerals, vegetables, and absorbable proteins that can be found at www.doctorgreens.com For Your best health, Sincerely, Hal Decker


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