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Reduce energy consumption when using the CHI straightener

There is very little doubt that CHI straightening irons have proven their effectiveness in smoothing, straightening and styling hair. But, if you don’t work smart with your hair straightener, you can also make it very effective in increasing your energy consumption.

Surely you do not want to increase your power consumption unnecessarily. By its very design, a CHI straightening iron doesn’t cost a lot of electricity. CHI flat irons have the ability to heat up in one minute, so styling your hair with the flat iron will only take a few minutes.

But despite its ability to heat up in a matter of minutes, it’s undeniable that styling hair sometimes takes time, especially if you’re not sure what style to do. Although CHI straighteners have built-in energy-saving features, it’s best to be prudent and conserve electricity while using the popular hair styling device.

Unplug the appliance if you are not using it. Even though the CHI hair straightener has an auto-off feature, it still uses some electrical power. Every appliance, if it is not unplugged, and even if it is turned off, continues to consume energy, even if it is minimal. This is often called phantom consumption.

If you have been using the iron for a long time, you can still use it a little longer, even if it has already been turned off. The heat will stay on the plates for a while, so you don’t need to turn on the iron for a long time to keep the heat.

Clean the CHI straightening iron before using it. Generally, irons do not heat up quickly due to debris and substances left on the iron plates that can slow down the heating process. If the iron takes time to heat up, more energy will be consumed.

The use of electrical appliances consumes more electricity, and when used for a long time, the use may result in an increase in your electricity bill. Even the lightest appliance, like an iron, can consume much more energy when in use. With the current crisis, you just have to be smart and save money. You can do it simply by saving on energy consumption. Although the CHI straightener has an energy saving function, it is better to discipline yourself not to consume more energy than is justified.


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