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Niche Business Idea Tip – How To Turn Your Crazy Ideas Into Cash

”Crazy ideas may appear

Arrive… then disappear,

But if you take care of it

and rehearse it

Its value becomes clear.”

Never underestimate the power of a niche business idea, especially a crazy idea.

Because they are the only ones responsible for the enormous progress of societies in the last 100 years.

Every innovator, from Thomas Edison and Henry Ford to Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, was the recipient of a crazy idea. At least that’s what most experts said at first.

One of the biggest obstacles to success or even progress for most people is the fear of it. Who could blame them.

Historically, people who express strange ideas are often laughed at, ridiculed, and even fired from their jobs. Stories abound of employees fired from their comfortable jobs for suggesting a crazy idea. They will then achieve fame and fortune with him.

Here’s a small list of average (at the time) people fired at least once. Have you heard of any of these people?

1. Thomas Edison – Inventor

2. Walt Disney – Amusement Park Icon

3. Mark Cuban – Owner Dallas Mavericks

4. JK Rowling – Author Harry Potter Empire

5. Mayor Michael Bloomberg – Billionaire Mayor, New York

6. Anna Wintour – Editor Harpers Bizaar

7. Oprah Winfrey – Media Icon

8. Jerry Seinfeld – Comedian

9. Bill Belichick – 3-time NFL Super Bowl coach

10. Lee Iacocca – Car Icon

11. Howard Stern – Radio Legend

12. Elvis Presley – You know!

These people not only changed their industry, but in many cases the world.

I shudder to think how many outlandish ideas have died prematurely. Why? Because people didn’t know how to care for them, develop them, or hide them until they were strong enough to fly on their own.

Who knows, world hunger, a dreaded disease, or high unemployment may have been reduced or eliminated by now. But someone came up with a crazy idea who couldn’t handle it, due to peer pressure, lack of knowledge, or fear.

An easy way to turn a crazy idea (yours or someone else’s) into cash

The trick is to not ignore or trash your crazy idea until you’ve thoroughly examined it. Many crazy ideas are just a diamond in the rough that needs polishing, sanding, or a complete overhaul. But in the end, anything you have to do could make it worthwhile. If in doubt, look at that list again.

One sure-fire way to turn a crazy idea into cash is to apply my “12-Step What If” checklist to it. Many ideas became best-selling products, services, and profit generators by people who used this simple checklist.

So the first thing you need to do is write down your crazy idea. Get it out of your head and onto paper: list as many details as you can.

Next, just ask yourself these 12 questions when evaluating a crazy business idea, product, or service. Take your time, give each question at least a minute before moving on to the next. Remember to have a notepad handy to jot down any ideas.

1. What happens if I add ______________?

2. What if I deleted ____________________________?

3. What if I made _________________ bigger?

4. What if I made the _______________ adjustable or customizable for __________ consumers?

5. What if I made __________________ faster?

6. What if I made ____________ more durable (thicker, wider, longer, or from a harder material?

7. What if I made _____________ more flexible?

8. How can I make ________________ easier to buy, use or maintain?

9. What happens if I reduced __________________?

10. What if I find a way to make ____________ safer for my buyer?

11. How can I reduce or eliminate the risk of buying _________________________ for my customer?

12. What can I do to tailor or personalize _________________ for shoppers who like the personal touch?

After you’ve run through your idea on this powerful list, put it aside for at least a day and do something else. When you return to it you will discover more ideas.

If you don’t have new ideas yet, maybe your crazy idea isn’t viable right now. But at least you’ve practiced for the next crazy idea that comes to mind, keep trying.

Keep this list handy and use it the next time you have a crazy idea. Don’t dismiss it, criticize it, write it off, or mention it to others until you’ve gone through it first on this checklist. You’ll be surprised what you come up with from many of your crazy ideas.

You’ll soon notice that the more you go over your crazy ideas on this list, the less crazy your future ideas will become. In other words, the more you use it, the closer you get to the good stuff. So either way you win.

If you take the time to use this powerful checklist, you’ll find that more of your crazy ideas turn into profitable ideas. The key to success here is persistence. Don’t give up too soon.

Note: This checklist can also work wonders if you have a product or service that needs a sales boost.

As always, I enjoy hearing your success stories and experiences using whatever methods I suggest.

– Peace and blessings.


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