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My Top 10 Home Staging Secrets

Here are my top 10 staging secrets that I recently shared at a townhome I hosted in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Most of these are valid no matter what house you are selling.

1. Remember, it’s not about you!
If you’re selling, your home is no longer a home, but a commodity that you’re marketing to potential buyers! Be willing to make changes that may not be to your liking but will attract buyers. Most people find it difficult to view their home through a buyer’s eye. A professional home stager can help.

2. Use neutral colors with touches of color
Neutrals come in many colors these days: they’re the usual ivories and beiges, but they’re also light greys, greens, and even blues and yellows. Adding pops of color with accent walls, throw pillows, and throws creates contrast, interest, and a pleasing palette.

3. Create cozy and special spaces
Buyers want to imagine themselves enjoying the features of their home. Create some special spaces: a charming reading nook or a breakfast tray on the master bed. You don’t have to fully furnish each room.

4. Less is more, always!
It’s not just about tidying up, although that’s clearly the number one “must” when selling a home. But it also means optimizing everything else: furniture, decoration and accessories. And with small spaces, use less, not more, smaller-scale furniture; that can make a room seem even smaller.

5. This bed is an air mattress!
Great for staging when you’re selling and don’t want to buy a mattress and box springs that you don’t want to use yourself. It is lightweight and easy to use and deflates into its own small case.

6. Light up!
Open curtains, raise or remove blinds, remove screens, illuminate all rooms. Many houses do not have enough light because the rooms are not used that way by those who live there. Bringing additional lighting is a real bonus.

7. Create Curb Appeal
Don’t forget the exterior entrance. Plant flowers, paint the front door a bright color, add a chair or two with a pretty pillow.

8. Expand the living space outdoors
Fix up that covered porch. Add a nice table and tablecloth, some chairs, some plants and maybe a barbecue, it really shows people how much more living space they have.

9. Even minor updates make a big difference
The upgrades that make your home “up to date” are worth every penny. Replace old light fixtures (especially fluorescent boxes!) and vertical blinds, and remove wallpaper borders. Add a stone or glass tile backsplash in the kitchen.

10. Upgrade a framed bathroom mirror
We framed this in a plain old mirror to give it a new look. Or you can replace it with two separate silver-framed mirrors (one over each sink) to give the bathroom a more modern look.


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