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Menopausal hot flashes: the bane of existence for all menopausal women

Menopause and HOT FLASHES. It’s happened to just about every woman going through menopause: You feel this sudden rush of warmth or heat creeping up your torso to your face and you think the temperature just went up. No, you have most likely experienced menopausal hot flashes and although these episodes can occur on their own, there are some triggers that can trigger the events of a stereotypical hot flash.

Definition of the causes of this “heat”

One of the most agreed-upon reasons for menopausal hot flashes is decreased estrogen levels in the body. When a hot flash occurs, there is a fluctuation in these hormonal balances in the part of the brain that controls body temperature. The results are menopausal hot flashes that can feel like a pulsing wave of heat that starts from the upper torso area to the face. Sometimes you can even sweat and it can also be the cause of night sweats that can occur.

Some things can trigger these menopausal hot flashes, like hot or humid weather or even hot or spicy foods. Caffeine can raise your body temperature and cause hot flashes, and alcohol can also contribute to them. Taking hot baths or showers will exacerbate these hot flashes, as well as stressful situations.

facts and statistics

The fact is that menopausal flashes are quite common in up to eighty percent of women who are perimenopausal or even fully menopausal. These white-hot episodes can last as little as a few seconds or go on for twenty to thirty minutes or more. Usually, these menopausal hot flashes begin several years before other symptoms of the “change” become apparent.

While many women may experience frequent menopausal hot flashes for a couple of years, some unlucky women experience them for five years or more. The norm is typically that women will see a decrease in both the intensity and frequency of these flashes of heat as they age.

self treatment

Because menopausal hot flashes are the result of declining estrogen levels, you should take herbal remedies that can replace some of what you’re missing with a plant-based estrogen. Black cohosh, evening primrose oil, and even red clover are known to help supplement and replace some of the lower levels of estrogen in your body.

Additional vitamin E will help, as will consuming soy products, either through supplements or through your diet more naturally. Yoga, acupuncture, and exercise are also known to relieve menopausal hot flashes. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) should not be an option unless your symptoms are severe enough to require drastic treatment such as HRT. Other tips to help cool down your jets is to take a cold shower and dress in layers so you have the option to remove layers one at a time for comfort. Wear breathable cotton clothing and put all cotton sheets on your bed as well. There are a number of small ways to make menopausal hot flashes more bearable.

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