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Low testosterone levels? Avoid These 5 Deadly Mistakes!

Do you have low testosterone levels? If so, I feel sorry for you.


Because I know what it is.

I know how libido goes out the window, drive and motivation disappear, and the will to live?

Well, let’s just say it can be hard to get off the couch when the T-tank is empty.

You see, testosterone for a man is like fuel for a car.

Without the gas, you won’t go anywhere!

You can read tons of motivational books and sing affirmations in the mirror until your face turns red, but that won’t do you any good!

You actually have a choice, and only one choice!

You have to get your testosterone levels back where they belong!

Let’s talk about how to do it right now!

Low testosterone levels?

Unless you are over 60, your low testosterone levels are caused by one thing.


Yes! It is bad decisions, which you are making on a daily basis, that are decimating your male hormone levels.

I’m going to list the top five right now.

Take this information seriously, make a few changes, and you can change your life!

Overuse of drugs and medications!

If you are taking any kind of drug or medication, raise your hand!

I knew it!

Think about this …

Almost two-thirds of all Americans currently use some type of drug or medication.


If you use drugs regularly and you think they are not affecting your sex drive, think twice.

Even regular aspirin lowers testosterone levels in men.

Here are some of the worst offenders …

Psychiatric antidepressant medications, including Elavil, Valium, and Prozac.

Antihypertensives and diuretics.

Antihistamines, including Dramamine, Antivert, and Benadryl.

Opioid pain relievers (pain relievers) such as Demerol, Oxycontin, and Codeine.

And a few more just in case, included …..

Propecia, Tagamet, Zantac, Pepcid AC, and ibuprofen.

Drinking alcohol to excess!

Studies of heavy drinkers have shown that alcohol directly suppresses testosterone levels in men.

And the more alcohol you drink, the worse it gets.

Remind …

Chronic alcohol abuse is associated with altered levels of all male reproductive hormones, not just testosterone.

Now, I’m not saying you should quit completely, you just need to drink smart.

What is smart!

Ten beers in a row is not smart. A couple is.

A bottle full of wine on an empty stomach is not smart. A couple of glasses with dinner yes.

Lack of exercise!

When you exercise the right way, your body rewards it by releasing human growth hormone and testosterone into your bloodstream.

What is the correct way to exercise?

Weight training that uses several large muscles at the same time.

Think squats, lunges, and the bench press.


High intensity, short duration exercises such as sprints, squat jumps,

run stairs and jump rope.

To get this hormone release, you need to exceed the lactate threshold.

You will know when you arrived when you feel it burning

on your legs while you do the last reps of your routine.

Here are some more facts about exercise!

Researchers at the University of VA measured cyclists’ male growth hormone levels after a 30-second run.

These sprints increased HGH levels by a whopping 530% over baseline.

Resistance training has a different hormonal effect. It leads to an increase in cortisol and low levels of testosterone.

Not reducing male estrogen levels.

How do you know if you have elevated estrogen levels? Take a look at your body.

Do you have fleshy hips and thighs and a round, smooth belly? Are you developing gynecomastia or man boobs?

If so, you need to lower your estrogen levels.

How do you do it?

Reduce body fat

Reduce your exposure to chemicals.

Gas fumes, diesel fuel, perfumes, dyes, paints, solvents, detergents, all have

chemicals that mimic estrogen in your body.

Switch to unscented natural products and make changes to your

daily routine to avoid exposure to these chemicals.

Reduce the consumption of estrogenic foods, especially soy products.


Increase your consumption of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower.

Not getting 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night!

Make a few changes to your sleeping patterns and your testicles will start to make more testosterone.

Poor sleep habits can have a devastating impact on testosterone levels, especially if the habits are chronic.

Several studies have shown that when sleep levels drop, so do testosterone levels.

The sweet spot for most men is between 7-8 hours.

Make sure you get it!


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