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How to deal with bad plastic surgery

Bad plastic surgery is sometimes in the eye of the beholder. What may seem terrible to you when you see it on someone else can make them feel so much younger and so much more beautiful. However, the appearance of a cosmetic procedure is more than just cosmetic.

There are complications that can arise during or after the operation that can be very serious. Some of these include infection, blood clots, abscesses, wound separation, and necrosis. If these problems are recognized immediately, a successful form of treatment can be undertaken.

When plastic surgery goes seriously wrong, it can lead to paralysis, permanent pain, and disfigurement caused by asymmetry or extreme scarring. Some people pay an even higher price for a bad cosmetic procedure because it ends up taking their lives.

The good thing to keep in mind is that the death rate from plastic surgery is very low. In fact, it is much lower than the fees attached to other types of operations.

If you feel you are the victim of a botched job, call the surgeon and make an appointment. It’s not easy to admit, but regardless of the doctor’s skill, sometimes things can go wrong.

On the other hand, what you may be experiencing is possibly a normal element of the healing and recovery process. Keep in mind that no two people heal in exactly the same way or at the same rate.

After talking with the surgeon and showing what is bothering you, if the problem warrants another operation, he or she may offer to perform corrective surgery. This shouldn’t cost you any money at all. Don’t lose your temper with him, but allow him to rectify the surgery situation before he decides to take things in another direction.

If talking to your doctor about plastic surgery isn’t giving you the results you hoped for, then it’s time to find another qualified, board-certified surgeon for a second opinion. Look for a professional who specializes in the field of plastic surgery you’ve had or one who works specifically in a corrective way.

Keep in mind that a corrective procedure is not only cosmetic in nature, but also reconstructive, and as a result, carries its own share of potential risks. If you plan to undergo one, two, or even three or more reconstructive procedures, then it is necessary to allow a year to pass before you can work on the same area. This is for the sake of your own safety.


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