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How to be a successful search engine optimizer (SEO)

This is the field that did not exist in the last century; most people in developing countries are still unaware of this career option. This is the field that is hybrid of technology, as well as marketing and advertising. I am writing about search engine optimization (SEO).

With the arrival of the Internet and its commercialization in the last decade of the 20th century, many companies began to exploit this medium to sell products and services. Now where there is product advertising, it is bound to happen. They started building websites, but the next question that arises is: how do you reach the right customers? And the question for customers was: How to find the right product on the Internet?

Search engines emerged to answer these questions. They provided a way for customers to find the right product and an opportunity for companies to introduce their products to a growing community of new customers.

Okay, that may not be exactly how things happened, but this is the reason why search engines exist.

Now, there are hundreds and thousands of companies selling products and services online. How would a search engine know which web page is useful to the search engine? For this they developed algorithms to find the most relevant result, although there is no other way; computers only work with algorithms. This is where search engine optimization came from. Search engines use certain criteria to find the correct web page and the search engine optimizer has to insert the correct terms or keywords in the correct places, also known as keyword salience. I know SEO is much more than this, but I am writing for a layman.

If you are considering a career in this internet marketing vertical, here are some qualities that I think are important to any search engine optimizer.

Qualities of an SEO

Since search engine optimization is a hybrid of technology and marketing, an SEO must possess technical and interpersonal skills.

Program:Although you can get a website developer to do things like implement your suggested changes to a website, at the end of the day you need to know how a website works, and to do so, you need to possess some qualities of a developer. There are many technical and non-technical aspects that can make it difficult for search engines to properly crawl your website, you need to take them into account. According to me, an SEO should initially work as a website developer for the first few months. They should at least know a markup language which is obviously HTML, a client-side scripting language like JavaScript, knowledge of the database management system (DBMS) like MySQL, a server-side programming language like PHP, a CMS says WordPress and some server knowledge. In my early years I worked on all of this for about 3 months.

A content writer: In your SEO career, you might be asked to write content for the website or at least blogging, article marketing, or press releases. You must write the title, meta tags, etc. while doing on-page SEO. With the advent of social media, it should also generally be good at communicating with people.

An entrepreneur: As SEO, you may need to optimize websites related to various businesses. Albert Einstein once said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” If you don’t understand the business, you won’t be able to optimize your website. You must possess some entrepreneurial qualities and good business acumen to get things done. You must also possess good communication skills. Not only do communication skills play an important role in acquiring links, but they are also effective in explaining things and convincing customers.

An artist: Technology thrives on innovation. Search engines continually change their algorithms to deal with useless content and deliver the most relevant results to their users. Therefore, search engine optimization is a dynamic and constantly evolving field. If you want to excel in this field, then you have to be innovative, and artists remain innovative no matter what type of artist they are. SEO is science as well as art, so you must also possess the qualities of an artist.

A mathematician and statistician: I know people have a nervous breakdown listening to math and statistics, but at the end of the day you have to prove whether or not your efforts resulted in something. If Internet Marketing Works For That Business Or Not? To do this, you must use web analysis tools such as Google analytics. You must do calculations, see and predict the trend, give reasons why a certain thing worked or why it did not work. Based on this data, you should suggest the strategy for the next quarter or year, as the case may be. This is the reason why an SEO must possess the qualities of a mathematician and a statistician as well.

In addition to this, they must also possess good reading skills, reading should be your hobby. Apart from all these, they should be passionate about SEO.

I wrote this article and listed the qualities of the search engine optimizer based on my knowledge, experience, and understanding of this field. I know there are many SEOs with much more experience and knowledge in this field. I hope you add your knowledge to this article, I will be happy to hear your quality feedback.


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