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How public relations can tackle fake news

Fake news has always been in the picture, but the digital age has greatly increased its impact. From fake news sites to unqualified sources of fake stories, all of these fraudulent activities are a serious threat to the Public Relations (PR) industry.

If it is vital for public relations firms to ethically persuade target audiences towards their clients, then protecting public and media trust from being eroded by fake news also becomes part of their inescapable duty. Public relations professionals must understand that their profession will survive only when good journalism thrives. For this reason, PR experts need to be more critical of this issue and hold them more accountable to address this issue of fake news with greater seriousness and dedication than ever before.

And here are the various ways you can do it:

Carry forward the real news: Public relations professionals and experts must realize that there is much more to ensuring a blockbuster. The first priority of any public relations agency should be to deliver real news that, in turn, provides real value to both journalists and readers. Professionals who work in public relations firms must take much more responsibility for the spokespeople and the stories they are supporting. The more authentic the story, the greater the chances of securing great coverage, and relationships in the media industry become much healthier and safer.

Use the real and authentic sources: It’s true that a mention in the success story will gain great brand exposure, but using the newsjacking tool as an excuse to offer unqualified spokespersons is unethical. Clearly keep in mind that it is the depth of experience and knowledge of the particular industry that could broaden the scope of the public’s knowledge. This is the only way to make the most of media opportunities and create a win-win situation for both PR and journalism.

Use contacts only to do good: Anyone who works in the PR industry is familiar with the fact that fake news has more power to spread easily. They spread easily, but when the falsehood is revealed, the reputation and image of the industry as a whole suffer. So, being a dedicated PR professional in the industry, it becomes a must to dismantle it as soon as possible. PR professionals should not wait for others to bring about change, but should themselves discourage fake news among their media contacts and help ensure that journalism is free of unnecessary clutter and clutter.


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