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Dog Behavior Series 1 – Why Do Dogs Lick?

If you’re looking for help dealing with your dog’s behavior problems, or just curious as to why your dog does what he does, then this behavior series is for you.

Most experienced owners are familiar with common dog behavior problems, but some may wonder why dogs exhibit these behaviors. Many behaviors are often misunderstood and mishandled by dog ​​owners. Thoroughly understanding the most common behavior problems is the first step to solving and preventing them.

So why do dogs lick?

There are several reasons why your dog licks. Let’s find out what they are and what you need to understand to eliminate the problem. It’s usually a sign of affection, a sign of love, or about savory, salty skin. Licking releases pleasurable endorphins that give dogs a feeling of comfort and pleasure, and relieve their stress. Dogs want you to know that they love you, so they lick. You pet your dog and it feels good, so your dog shows his appreciation by, you guessed it, licking. Licking is a natural instinct in the canine world and is therefore normal canine behaviour. From birth, this is how birth mothers communicate with their pups, how canine families groom each other and interact socially.

There are other reasons why dogs lick that you should be aware of.

If a dog licks himself excessively, it may indicate that there is a medical problem with your dog. Consulting with a vet would be my recommendation because it may not be a behavioral problem but a medical one. Rule that out and you’ll know you’re dealing with a behavioral disorder. If we are talking about normal canine behavior, then it is a human problem. After all, dogs lick. It is in their nature. What do I mean by a human problem? Let me explain.

If your vet determines that your dog is exhibiting normal canine behavior and doesn’t like being licked, then you’re the one with a problem. Not your dog. It’s up to you to alter your dog’s behavior, and you can do so simply by applying my top three tips.

  • tip number one

Do not reward your dog with a pet when he licks you. If that action is met with positive attention, such as human hugs and kisses, he will want to repeat the behavior. He thinks you like him and you’ve given him permission.

  • tip number two

Walk away every time your dog licks you. Over time, your dog will associate a lick with you leaving. Your dog will learn that licking never gets attention, so he won’t.

  • tip number three

Be patient, gentle and loving. Dogs lick to strengthen their bond with you. Dogs love to please. It makes them happy to make you happy. Your dog will soon realize that licking too much doesn’t make you happy, so again, your dog won’t. The message your dog needs to learn is that one or two licks is enough to strengthen the bond between you.

Now let’s recap.

It’s up to you to let your dog know what licking is appropriate and what’s off limits. While many dog ​​lovers don’t care and may even enjoy it, some dogs can get carried away. Determine how you feel about your dog’s licking, and then train your dog to stay within the limits you set.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this segment on dog behavior, specifically on the topic of why dogs lick, and I hope you’ve walked away with something of value. If you liked this article, subscribe to my channel on YouTube. Thanks so much for reading. Hope to see you inside my next article. Please like, share, comment and subscribe. Until next time. Bye.

Canine Behavior YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9Src2Jc78bCVD8vSfwKZIQ


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