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Differentiate prodormal delivery

The signs of labor have caused many pregnant women to rush to the hospital even when all they feel are false signals. There are certain ways to differentiate prodormal work from real work. They have very irregular times, durations, and occurrences to begin with, while the reverse is true of true labor. True labor manifests itself in contraptions that are closer together and are much more regular. Prodormal labor takes off and suddenly ceases without a pattern. True labor, on the other hand, only increases after it begins with a slight pause in the active phase of labor.

Other signs to watch out for are contractions in the abdomen (they should be front to back) and consistency in intensity (they should be more intense as time goes on).

When the contractions start coming, if you walk or give your body some kind of light exercise, the false contraction will go away. Such movement does not hinder true contractions. Another proof is that mucus plug, bleeding, and ruptured membranes do not occur in the case of false labor. In some cases, the mucus may give way, but not the other two factors.

If you are ever in doubt about these homemade ways to test whether your gadgets are real or fake, it’s always wise to consult your doctor so you don’t jump to conclusions. Better to be safe than sorry and make a mess you can’t clean up afterward.


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