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Detox foot baths, they worked for me

Detox foot baths have become popular in recent years, and as always, with something new, someone will have an opposing opinion about it. Now we are starting to see some negative articles on the subject as expected to happen. But before you agree with those who say no, read the rest of this article before you decide if this is something for you or not.

First of all, there is a misconception about foot baths that I would like to clear up. The drive itself does not detox you! It’s not about detoxing through your feet. Let me explain.

The body has its own electrical impulses that flow through the body on a daily basis. In a normal healthy body, this flow is not interrupted. However, as toxicity, injury, and disease occur, the electrical flow can be reduced, diverted, or stopped, and one begins to feel unwell. The ionic foot bath, which is not a medical device but an assistive instrument, gently introduces a stream of positive and negative ions into the water that travels throughout the body. Negative ions can create a feeling of well-being. The goal here is to restore the proper flow of electrical impulses so the body can heal itself. It is the benefit after a foot bath that interests us.

I have occasionally noticed that when people start a detox foot bath regimen, they may feel worse afterwards and possibly the next day as well. Detoxing can make you feel that way. Sometimes the opposite happens and people feel energetic. When the body’s bioelectrical energy begins to come into balance, the body can go into healing mode, which means detoxification so that the body’s cells can function as they should. The detoxification is done after the session and that’s why you don’t want to do a foot bath again for at least 72 hours because you want to allow the body to eliminate the toxins. I know from personal experience that I can personally have very bad breath and a metallic taste the day after a foot bath. My arthritis was completely gone after about 10 foot bath sessions and hasn’t returned for over 2 years. I know for sure it was the foot baths because I didn’t change anything else and felt better and better after each foot bath. Sometimes I felt so energized that I had to go into furious cleaning mode or do something else physical because it felt so good.

Now, let’s tackle the color change in the water. Do not pay attention to the color of the water. With or without feet in the water you will get a color change. While it is very interesting to watch, it does not come out of your body, although if you study samples of the water, there may be tiny particles of mucus. The body has its own elimination channels and that is all you are trying to achieve with a foot bath.

I do a foot bath at least once a month for maintenance and I always feel energized for the next few days. You can go to any site that sells foot baths and get real life stories from people who have been helped by foot baths. There may be people who have tried it and have not obtained any results. That’s fine too.

I think more studies need to be done, and not just studies of what’s in the water, but rather what it’s actually doing for the individual. There have been several studies showing the positive effect of negative ions. I’d hate to think that those who say no eventually get away with it and ruin another good thing that could help a lot of people.

Don’t be afraid to give it a try and see what it could do for you!

This article is for information only and does not make any claims about curing anything.


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