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Buzz Cut Hairstyle – for a simple look and inexpensive care

A Buzz Cut is an evergreen hairstyle, as no matter how many new styles come and go, this hairstyle seems to stay on trend. What makes it so is that this hairstyle offers men who take it on a more defined look. In addition, it makes life much easier for men. Therefore, choosing this style of haircut is the perfect way to start with a great posture and an efficient life.

In addition, the Buzz Cut hairstyle offers you an almost maintenance-free hairstyle, as it allows you to easily dry your hair in a second after bathing and frees you from the need for blow dryers, gels or hairspray. It also saves you hundreds of dollars since you need less shampoo to clean it and no combs or brushes to tidy up. As a result, you don’t have to worry about having bad hair days as you can always know what to expect.

Buzz Cut gets its name from the sound of the electric razor used to cut hair. Various other names such as skinhead in England, shaved head in Australia, or semi-kalbo in the Philippines are also used. The name may remind you of a crew cut that is very popular with the military. However, the crew cut is different in that it still allows for more hair on top than on the sides. While Buzz Cut, everything comes very close to the scalp.

Technically, the Buzz Cut is the simplest and fastest haircut possible, taking only seconds to cut if done with a quality razor. The availability of different grades and lengths of cutter blades or guards also help you do this effectively. Clipper blade lengths typically range from #0 (bare blade), #1 (3mm), #2 (6mm), #3 (9mm), #4 (12mm), #5 (15 mm) up. to #6 (19mm). However, they vary depending on the brand of clippers and accessories you use.

Many famous figures or idols like Robert Sylvester Kelly, Wentworth Miller, Brad Pitt, Will Smith, Justin Timberlake, Elijah Wood or else wear the Buzz Cut hairstyle even with a shorter cut to highlight their performance. So, if you expect to have a nice, great, clean cut look and you want to get it easily, then Buzz Cut is the choice. Just choose any style; the fade, the vintage flat top or the simple humble buzz and get ready to be the center of people’s eyes, especially women.


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