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Common Sense – Wisdom with the sleeves rolled up

Archiving America published an article on Thomas Paine. “Published anonymously by Thomas Paine in January 1776, Common Sense was an instant bestseller, both in the colonies and in Europe.” Think about it!!!! 1776, and this patriot was writing about common sense even then! His intention of him was very different, but he was emphasizing common sense!

Common sense is “in every sense of the word” wisdom with its sleeves rolled up.

Now, there is a statement that actually does what it says, “common sense”. Totally agree, but what does it mean? I want to assure you that I don’t consider myself a common sense writer, but I do write a lot and people tend to follow me, so I assume it can’t be all wrong.

Truer words were never spoken today, and at least I don’t think so. There is so much waste today: wasted words, wasted effort, wasted promises, wasted money, wasted programs, wasted love. If you give it a try, I’m sure you’ll be able to add it to my “waste” list.

Today, common sense is also essential in a business. You can not believe what you read or hear very often. You have seen the many claims of millions of dollars in a very short time working only an hour a day (or whatever). You well know the credibility of that comment; beautiful roses will grow on it.

Internet marketing takes work and dedication – it’s a business, and common sense dictates that you take care of your business. If you have a story front in the mall, you need to keep your doors open and use multiple mediums to attract customers to your store. In Internet marketing, you HAVE TO advertise, publicize or close the doors of your business.

Training is an absolute necessity for internet marketing, or you won’t be successful. You must have a company that not only provides training, but invests training effort beyond a few classes, or a bunch of “stuff” to read, or even a DVD to watch. It won’t do you any good to follow this path. Training DVD is a joke at best. By the time it is recorded, advertised, and distributed, it is already out of date.

You have to have a modern and up-to-date training, which is not even 6 months old. That’s what our company is about. We have the top tier growers, the pros doing trainings for the newer ones (or the ones a little late getting started) all the time. Most of the training is done.”LIVE” through the webinar, but recorded for reference, or if you missed it for any reason, you can come back to the back office and watch it so you don’t miss a thing. I’ve heard that about 3% is all that really succeeds, but our company is dedicated to raising that 3% figure, much higher.

Would you like to be advised in your business by a billionaire who has been successful doing the same thing that interests you? It is there for you. All you have to do is type your email address and name in the box provided. It would be better if you added your phone number as well, but that’s one option for you. Your name and email address will open your application box at one of the most successful companies on the Internet.


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