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Combat The Fat Review – The Truth About Jeff Anderson’s Fitness Program

Combat the Fat is a fitness program written by an ex-military man named Jeff Anderson and while he was in the army he has been training men to get to their best shape in a matter of weeks. He has been known as the Muscle Nerd ever since. Now, he works as a fitness instructor, nutrition guide, and author of his new book that is guaranteed to reshape his body in 12 weeks.

So is this program a scam? Find out in this review.

First, let’s see what’s in the book for you. The Combat the Fat eBook is actually made up of three guides. The author relies on correct exercise with control of your diet and emphasizes that there is no quick fix for a well-shaped body.

Guide 1 is made up of some military secrets that helped soldiers reach their best form in a very short time. His experiences in the military are the basis for developing this exercise program. The secret to the effectiveness of the exercise program is based on real fat burning and muscle building strategies that will not only shape your body but also keep it forever through a unique system that they use to increase your metabolism. Increasing metabolism will help your cells burn fat on their own, giving you more energy to do more activities, keeping you from just sitting on your couch.

Guide 2 teaches you basic training plans that include working out 45 minutes a day, three times a week to get the body you’ve always wanted in 12 weeks. And while the program’s design is military-based, it’s surprisingly easy for beginners and those at intermediate levels. The included exercises are quite intense but never too strenuous or difficult to do.

Guide 3 is the nutritional manual that is surprisingly different from other diet programs that deprive you of some foods that you must eat to have a great body. The author emphasized that food is not to blame for ugly flab; instead, it is the fat in some foods we eat that is causing it. It features some delicious recipes that will satisfy your stomach, while sculpting your body.

The guides are detailed enough and presented in an organized and simple manner, making it easy for readers to understand and follow. The author also features an eight week money back guarantee if he feels he doesn’t like the results.

Overall, Jeff Anderson’s Combat the Fat qualifies as a good fitness program for those who want to shape their body in weeks.


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