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Can you get a girl back if she hates you? Turn Your Hate Into Love With These 7 Amazing Steps

Without love there can be no hatred. The mere fact that your girlfriend hates you now means that she once loved you very much; after all, we don’t hate strangers. All you have to do now is capitalize on this connection and turn your hatred into admiration, if not love. You do not know how? Well, read on and find out.

According to your decision

Meet with her immediately after the breakup and tell her that you agree with her decision to separate from you. Tell her that if that is what will make her happy, you will respect her decision. However, don’t forget to regret the breakup and apologize if you caused it.

Show no inclination to know or acknowledge it.

Having apologized to her once, you now have to act aloof and aloof. Do not show any interest in meeting or calling her or even asking mutual friends about her. This will ensure that his anger turns to bewilderment as he shows no interest in her.

Give more importance to your friends

Since you are no longer a couple, your friends take precedence over your ex. Be with them all the time and have as much fun as you can. If you work in the same office, make sure you spend all your time with your other colleagues instead of hanging around them.

Increase your contact with other girls

To further compound your problems, start meeting and mingling with other girls. Make yourself friendly and popular with them and let them see what good company you are. They will love the attention you give them.

Show that you enjoy your freedom.

Your face should reflect the happiness you feel inside of you. Stay cheerful and in a good mood. You have to show that the breakup has not affected you.

Subtle hints that you are approachable

Send him mixed signals that you are still there for him to take. Sometimes make her smile and sometimes completely ignore her. Whenever you are in the same group, make sure you make her happy; delight her with your witty anecdotes and humor. He should start to miss the good times he spent with you.

Start again

Slowly he will be drawn to you. If he does, don’t go back and tell him you’d like to start over. Treat this relationship like a new one and court her again, albeit in a much better way than before.


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