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Body language: reading the signs of romance from a distance

Not surprisingly, the art and techniques of body language or reading non-verbal communications play an important role in romance, where signals are sent and received on a conscious and subconscious level. This is why a little bit of knowledge can go a long way and will certainly give you an edge in the flirting game.

Without knowing it, when we meet a person of the opposite sex that we are interested in, we cannot help but send signals. Signals from the depths of our subconscious; ancient signs that have been running for perhaps thousands of generations now.

We need to distinguish between signals sent from a distance and those sent from up close. What we do is send signals of interest and listen for responses or reciprocal body language. This article is about signals at a distance.

Showing the assets

The most obvious body language is showing off attractive body parts, through a forward thrust, display, or simple movement. Women tie their hair back to expose a bare neck, wear high heels to flatter their buttocks and breasts. Men like to show off a muscular upper body or arms and in particular the crotch by sitting with their legs wide apart.

And if showing the real thing isn’t enough, a simple fake often ensues. Men hold their breath and pull in their bellies to give the impression of firm, hard abs, stretch their shoulders and elbows to appear bigger, while women wear special bras to make their breasts look bigger and higher.

These are again old behavioral signs and they play on very realistic needs. A woman wants to show that she is healthy and can carry and feed a man’s child, while a man shows that he is strong and therefore able to support and protect a woman and her child. These were vital and essential criteria in the Stone Age, and obviously still are.


Strong signals of interest are shown by engaging in sexually stimulating activities, for example, fondling oneself, such as caressing one’s arms, legs, or face. This translates to “I’d like to caress you like this” or “I’d like you to caress me like this.”

In other cases, girls or women have been known to lick each other and purse their lips in a kiss, or leave their mouths slightly open to mimic sexual readiness. Observe a woman holding an object when she is speaking to you. You will often find similar representations, such as rolling and stroking a cigarette or a glass.

eye contact

Beauty does not only lie in the eyes of the beholder, but the eyes themselves give many signs. You need to be wary of someone looking at you for a little longer than normal, turning around and looking at it again, again for a little longer than normal.


There are many grooming gestures that we all use. The basic meaning and message behind it is “I want to look pretty and attractive to you”. This is done by shaking your head, playing with strands of hair, brushing your hair with your hand, cleaning and polishing your glasses, and brushing your clothes or tie. .


Someone interested in you might subconsciously point a foot, knee, or head at you. A very effective and easy to detect signal; says “Your address is where I would like to go.”

Learn to read body language and use your knowledge wisely!

You can observe other forms of body language from a distance, such as sensual dancing with dramatic movements. The overall effect may spoil the intent, but the signs are there nonetheless. Someone might nod in your direction giving you a subtle invitation and someone else might show an exaggerated interest in someone else to invoke envy or jealousy.

However, one thing is important. Just as there are many languages ​​on this planet, body language is often different from person to person. So before you judge someone completely on their mannerisms and movements, you better look twice!


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