
Innovation right here

Day: November 10, 2022

Luxury travel ideas to Machu Picchu

As luxury destinations for travelers go, Peru probably doesn’t rank as high in high-end travel spending. This should not be the case, because with Machu Picchu as the focal point, Peru is on par with Europe, North America, and Asia…

navel piercing

Navel piercing has become one of the most modern directions in body art. It is less traumatic than other body and facial piercings, such as nose, lip, breast and genital piercings. Navel piercing became fashionable thanks to top model Christy…

Dedicated individuals fighting inequality around the world

As I read, Mountains Beyond Mountains and Strength in What Remains, both written by Tracy Kidder, I couldn’t help but think how privileged we are here in the United States of America. These books made me think critically and analytically…