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Winnie The Pooh – Clothes, toys You can have it all!

If I look back on my life before my baby was born, the meaning of shopping has undergone a drastic change. I have never been a big buyer and would do as per requirements. I usually have a list of what is needed and how much is required before I start a shopping trip. And this used to apply to clothing, groceries, gifts, shoes, and anything else under the sun that needed to be bought!

And then my baby happened and it changed the whole dynamic. Sure, I started with a list in hand before I went shopping, one I’d downloaded from the web of things I needed to buy before the baby was born. And to my surprise, I ended up buying a lot more than I had planned. Something I never, ever do.

The fact is that looking at those beautiful items with all the cute cartoon characters is so attractive and tempting that it is almost impossible to pick them up. You feel like spending more time in the store and looking for all the things you need. One of those characters that I especially liked is Winnie the Pooh. Not only is it suitable for boys and girls alike, but all the characters in the series are so adorable that they beg you to pick them up.

Pooh and his friends Tigger, Eoh and Piglet have literally snapped up every item you can think of for a preschooler. Think of an item and they rule the space: pacifiers, bibs, clothes, food bowls, plates, spoons, pacifiers, bottles, sheets, rugs, teethers and just about anything else you can think of.

The Pooh gang dominates larger items like feeding chairs, rocking chairs, baby seats and much more. The good thing about this theme is that it is also suitable for almost all kinds of toys. Whether it’s educational or entertainment toys, you can’t ignore the ones with Pooh and his gang. It’s extremely interesting to see the wise owl trying to give technology lessons to his little one and Tigger trying to do the fun stuff on the fun toys.

If you’re as crazy about Winnie the Pooh as I have become, then you should try building a Pooh theme around your baby’s room. You could paint the room in a Pooh theme and even opt to use some bright paint so that Pooh can keep your baby company at night. Sheets, towels, clothes and toys can also be Pooh toys. What I can assure you is that despite having Pooh all over the house, there is no way you will get tired of seeing him around. The teddy bear and his friends get into your heart and refuse to come out.

The best place to look for these toys is Toys Us or Babies R Us and then there’s The Disney Store. And you can be sure that every time you visit these stores, your husband will cringe at the thought of the bill you will collect!


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