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What hair color is best for women’s hair that is thinning or balding on the crown?

I get a lot of emails asking questions about how to best hide a scalp that is showing due to thinning or hair loss issues. Having hair that has lost its volume is also worrisome, but when the white of your scalp contrasts and stands out against the color of your hair, you will usually perceive and worry that the thinning is much more noticeable. And often with women, a prominent area where the scalp tends to peek out is at the crown or back of the head. People often ask me what is the best hair color to use when you are trying to blend your scalp into your hair. I will deal with this in the next article.

Consider your skin tone and color before lightening your thinning hair to blend in with your scalp: Blonde or very light hair is generally recommended to be the best color to match your scalp, as it is the closest color to your scalp to white or pink. However, if your color is such that this lighter color will look fake or jarring, then all you are doing is drawing more attention to your hair and inviting people to take a closer look or pause for inspection. even bigger. This is not what you want. You want people to quickly overlook what you’re trying to detract from, or optimally, have a favorable response or reaction. Anything that requires you to take a closer look often works against this.

People are often very afraid that brown or dark hair will just show more of the scalp and this can be the case at times. But, if your color is such that you have pale skin and light eyes, blonde may not look natural to you. Probably, in this scenario, it would be better to apply gradual highlights or use some powders that blend the scalp with your hair color.

Camouflage the scalp when the hair on the crown is thinning or balding: Often people just don’t believe me when I see that powders like toppik look very natural when applied correctly. You really have to see this for yourself to appreciate that this is true. And this is true for people with blonde, brunette, and red hair, as long as you choose the right color to match. Of course, this is only a temporary solution, but it may help you get over the hurdle until you can grow your hair back.

Also, you may want to see your cut. Sometimes layering at the back of your hair will encourage the hair at the crown area to be blown out and exposed for all to see. People often cut their hair back so that they can make fun of it, but this is often the wrong decision. Because the hair will eventually separate and expose the scalp.

It is better to have some weight there so that the hair lies flat. Or, you can try pulling it back into a high ponytail or headband. This will give you a lot more layers to work with, but you have to make sure you don’t pull too hard and cause more damage. There are also lifts to use on the crown of the head, but again, the teasing often doesn’t last all day.

Curls and waves can also help give this area more volume and definition, as can highlights. Color variations trick the eye into thinking there is more depth than there really is. And, if you’re really worried that your dark hair color will make your scalp too contrasting, you can try a lighter version of your natural color and then gradually move on to more dramatic changes.

Of course, if the hair continues to thin, you may reach a point where you don’t have enough hair to work with. In these cases, there are very high-quality human hair pieces that can be styled to match your color, style, and texture.


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