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Water Conservation Basics

The average American household uses about 146,000 gallons of water each year, mostly inside the home. Scientists predict water shortages in thirty-six states by 2013. However, analysts say all is not bleak and there is much the nation can do to save an estimated 3 billion gallons of water each year.

Simple changes in water consumption within the home can make a big contribution to conserving water. The payoff for consumers is significant savings on energy costs. Saving water means saving money, in lower water bills plus the cost of heating the water.

10 ways for homeowners to save water and money

  1. stop leaks — Studies have shown that leaky home appliances and systems account for ten percent of the water usage in an average home. Check appliances, plumbing fixtures, and sprinkler systems for leaks. Test for leaks by turning off all fixtures and reading your water meter. Keep all the water out for an hour and check again. The reading should not have changed. If so, it means you have a leak. You can test your toilet by putting a few drops of food coloring in the tank and waiting ten minutes. Check the water in the bowl; If the dye has gotten into the bowl, your toilet has a leak and needs to be fixed. The typical home in the country costs about $250 a year for water leaks.
  2. Install low-flow shower heads — Pre-1992 showerheads deliver water at 8 gallons per minute (GPM). Newer models of low-flow showerheads use 1.6 to 1.85 GPM and save in two ways: 45,000 gallons of water less per family of four each year, plus the cost of energy to heat the water , is roughly estimated at an annual savings of $92.
  3. Replace old toilets — Toilets manufactured before 1994 use at least 3.5 gallons of water per flush (GPF). Newer ultra-low flush toilets use 1.6 GPF, which is the current federal standard for all new toilet installations. Prices start at $100, and these toilets typically pay for themselves in four years. Homeowners save approximately $28 a year with a low-flush toilet.
  4. Replace old clothes washer — New Watersense and Energy Star-qualified washers use an average of 40% less water than traditional washers. If you limit your laundry to two full loads a week, you’ll save more than 6,400 gallons of water a year.
  5. close the taps — When you brush your teeth for two minutes and let the water run, you’re using two gallons of water, morning and night, plus more during shaving. The average home wastes more than 16,000 gallons of water a year this way.
  6. Use a car wash — Every time you wash your car with a hose, up to ten gallons of water per minute are wasted. Washing your car at a commercial car wash saves nearly 10,000 gallons of water a year, plus the water at these stations is recycled.
  7. sprinkle less — Rain sensors and sprinkler clocks reduce water use by about 15 percent. Most of the water is wasted just before and after the rainy season, when intermittent rains occur and irrigation systems run constantly. Shutoff devices save thousands of gallons of water per month in every home. An irrigation controller also saves water by watering plants only when they need it. If you water manually, by placing sprinklers around your yard, set a timer to remind you to turn off the sprinklers and not waste while overwatering.
  8. Sweep more, hose less — Using a broom for ten minutes before relying on water pressure from a hose or pressure washer to clean driveways, walkways, patios and decks saves 1,000 gallons of water each week.
  9. Cool — Kitchen faucets flow at a rate of more than a gallon per minute as you wait for the water to cool enough to drink. Keeping a pitcher of water in the refrigerator eliminates this waste, saving at least a thousand gallons of water per year for each person in your household.
  10. GoNative — Plants native to your area use less water and are less prone to disease. Drought-resistant shrubs are beautiful replacements for flowering perennial shrubs that require large amounts of water. Familiarize yourself with the principles of “Xeriscape,” a government program that shows how to create a beautiful landscape with a low-maintenance, drought-resistant garden plan.

Water conservation is a state of mind, a way of thinking about our lives and our homes. It only takes a little effort to make a big difference, realize savings and gain the satisfaction that we’re making ‘every drop count’.


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