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The surprising joys and hidden benefits of spring cleaning

When I was a child, my German-raised mother, father, and grandmother, Oma, participated in an annual spring-cleaning ritual. Spring cleaning involved a complete top-to-bottom cleaning of every square inch of our house. Our family would spend at least two weeks thoroughly cleaning, washing and polishing everything to create that fresh spring feeling. And I mean everything.

Dad would be out on the stairs cleaning the gutters, washing the siding on the house, and scrubbing the outside of the windows. When he was done, he would rearrange the detached garage. After that, he would be out in the garden turning the compost pile before planting the garden.

Inside, Mom and Oma were busy washing every curtain and window lace, then removing the blinds so they could be hand-washed in the tub. Each light fixture was meticulously made to shine. The entire contents of the porcelain sideboard, including china, glass, and silver, were washed, dried, and polished. Every piece of furniture was dusted and then moved so that the rugs could be scrupulously deep cleaned and the hardwood floors polished. When those tasks were completed, there was also an attic and basement that required attention.

My sister Elke and I do not escape spring cleaning activity. As part of the family we had a lot of chores… and we didn’t play until those chores were complete.

Today’s spring cleaning may not be as complicated, but when warmer weather rolls around, it’s a perfect time to generate new energy by putting away cold-weather clothes, managing clutter, and playing in the yard. Here are four reasons why spring cleaning will immediately invigorate your life.

clutter control
There’s nothing like the arrival of spring to prompt us to clear clutter and make room for new energy and opportunity. Clutter usually builds up over time. We get used to living with closets full of too many clothes and shoes, kitchens full of old food boxes and junk drawers, and workspaces overflowing with stacks of magazines, piles of paper, and unfiled receipts. All that clutter can leave us with low energy levels, feeling irritable, inefficient, and even mildly depressed. It’s never easy to start cleaning up the mess. But as spring offers our bodies a burst of vitality, we can channel that energy to organize our living spaces. When you’re done, you’ll feel confident, accomplished, and ready to enjoy life!

enjoy the outdoors
After hibernating indoors all winter, spring offers a great excuse to get outside and in the sun. On those perfect days of warm spring weather, get outside and tidy up the garden. Being in nature can have a profound effect on both our psyche and our health. Sometimes we need to feel the ground under our feet, dig in the ground and plant flowers with joy and enthusiasm. Spring is when we reawaken our quiet fascination with life.

Unleash your creative spirit
Spring is characterized by excitement, bursts of energy, and an air of creativity. By channeling some of the energy to open up space in your home, you also provide an opportunity to open up new spaces within your creative spirit. You may be quite surprised to suddenly discover so many new ideas for creative businesses. By lightening your load and cleaning up your surroundings, you get a taste of what it’s like to be unloaded. New flow paths open up and with that flow comes a new emotion about how you want to spend your time.

Focus on the dreams of the heart
Spring cleaning offers a unique opportunity to inspect all the dark corners of the closet, the rarely looked at shelves, and the cabinets inside. As you collect your items and clean them, you may ask yourself, “Do I need this? Do I use it? Do I love it?” These kinds of introspective questions allow you to look inward and set your priorities. Instead of spending your days on autopilot, you stop and ask yourself what is important to you at this stage of your life. Go through your clothes, knick-knacks, office supplies, and reading materials and ask yourself, “Is this a reflection of who I am now?” As closets are organized, drawers decluttered and garages cleaned out, you allow yourself a sacred opportunity to lovingly bid farewell to who you once were and create a new space to welcome who you will become.

Spring cleaning your home and garden is deeply satisfying on many levels of your mind, body, and spirit. Whether you’re a fan of a full-on spring-cleaning session, or prefer small, simple jobs, both can bring the freshness of the season into your life.


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