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VGA Cable – The Facts

Although HDMI cables are the standard when it comes to connecting a computer monitor to a PC, many people using older components may find that their monitor or computer simply isn’t compatible with this new technology. Older monitors are usually designed for a DVI or VGA cable. Unfortunately, replacing a VGA cable isn’t as simple as buying the least expensive unit a person can find, as there are different versions that are capable of offering a different resolution. It is also important for a person to decide whether or not they need additional EMI shielding to provide the best possible signal.

Shielding is often considered to be one of the most important factors when choosing a VGA cable. Like other types of cables, a VGA cable is susceptible to interference from other devices or electrical cables that can interrupt the information being transmitted. While even the cheapest cable will offer basic shielding, a person looking for the highest quality picture should consider purchasing a cable that offers the highest level of shielding they can afford. This will generally mean double or even triple shielded cables.

A basic cable provides adequate resolution up to 640×480. A higher resolution monitor may mean that a person should consider purchasing an SVGA cable that is capable of delivering 800×600 resolution or possibly even an XGA cable that approaches true high definition at 1024×768. One important thing to note is that all of these cables are interchangeable, which means that a person can use an XGA cable even if their monitor does not support the highest resolution this cable is capable of. Of course, it is usually not a good idea to spend more on a higher resolution cable if it is not necessary.

One of the reasons an HDMI cable is superior to a VGA cable is that HDMI is capable of transmitting audio and video signals. VGA, on the other hand, requires a person to also use a separate cable to transmit audio to their monitor or external speakers. While this may not be a big deal if a person is simply plugging a desktop into their monitor, it is something to consider if a person is upgrading their components. One of the benefits of VGA cables is that they are relatively inexpensive and durable.


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