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Transform your life through personal energy management

Some authorities tell us that there is a serious energy crisis on the planet. Some authorities tell us that we are running out of fuel. Still other authorities tell us that there are many energy resources that we have not yet touched. It seems to come down to how we are or are not using the earth’s vast energy resources.

The same may be true for many people on the planet. They are experiencing a serious energy crisis in their lives. Some of them keep doing more, working harder and achieving less. They feel exhausted. Others are going back and forth between extreme highs with periods of having no power at all. And there are those who are totally exhausted and depressed at all times. If any of the above is your life, maybe it’s time to review your Personal Energy Operating System.

“Personal Power Operating System”

o Is your life running on your personal energy?

o Is your life based on the energy you take (steal) from others?

o Does your life run on crisis energy?

o Is your life running on addictive energies?

o Is your life being drained by everyone and everything in your life?

o Is your energy gas tank empty?

If any of the above is true for you, it’s time to identify and stop your energy leaks.


Is someone or something, consciously or unconsciously, drawing your energy?
Are you willing to wrap it as a gift for them?
Are you the one who is diverting from others?

(There is no judgment here as we are just behaving the way we were taught to survive.)

There is an endless abundance of energy for everyone. How you use or waste this energy defines your life. You can go about living life with no idea how you are using or abusing it, OR you can consciously work with it to live a peaceful, loving, joyful, and abundant life. It’s your choice.

A large part of the people on the planet (of course, not you or me) feel that they must continually seek energy from sources outside of themselves in order to function and be happy. They are constantly seeking energy hits from other people, addictions, or possessions, which leaves them in a state of codependency and always needing more. They believe that there is never enough and that keeps them on an emotional and physical roller coaster. Others find their energy supply depleted when they allow others to take them away. Either way, they’ll need to build bigger, faster, scarier roller coasters to meet their energy needs, i.e. bigger cars, more money, different partners, more power, etc.


Keep it simple. Make a conscious choice to maintain your own energy. It was very empowering for me when I realized that I actually had choices in every area of ​​my life. They didn’t teach me that, right? I now choose each day how I want to live my life instead of letting someone else’s people, rules, places or circumstances or my own negative patterns choose for me.


By taking a week or even a day and making a small change, you will start to notice a difference in your energy. If you identify one energy leak a day and plug that leak, you will see a change in your energy level. It was helpful for me to identify emotions/energies where I played a martyr, a victim, a do-gooder, a control freak and whatever, and when I made one small change at a time, I became more energized and peaceful.

Two easy steps to help you balance your Energy Operating System

1. Identify Your Biggest Daily Energy Drain

Examples your job – spouse – children – school-money-TV-internet

2. Identify your biggest daily high energy

Examples a romantic interest – an addiction – your children – doing good deeds-TV-internet

When I started this process, I found that my biggest energy drain was not being able to make a decision. I had so many things to do that I didn’t know what to choose, so I kept procrastinating. My intuitive guidance kicked in telling me to work on one thing at a time and pick the first thing that comes to mind that day. When I started this process, I discovered that after achieving that project, another one would just appear. I discovered that it wasn’t about making the right decision, it was about making “a” choice.

If you focus on just one of these energy drains or ups and downs, you will make a significant change in your life. Keep it simple. Each person must be at peace internally for peace to radiate externally. As you work with Personal Energy Management, you will discover personal peace and be able to help spread peace across the planet. And what a joy that will be.


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