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The Simple and Powerful Steps to Optimal Health, Energy and Longevity

In this day and age, health problems and illnesses are rampant. Being in good health is almost like a prized possession. Most people think that if you have it, you are lucky, but luck is not the real factor here. One can achieve optimal health by taking simple action steps to increase energy, happiness, and longevity. Ultimately, we are all responsible for our own health and we have the power to take control. In this article, you’ll find steps you can take today to start changing your health.

What is Optimal Health?
Optimal health can be defined as a balanced state on all levels, such as physical, mental, emotional and social. This state is free from any limitation or illness and is essentially complete well-being. When we are in optimal health we have natural energy, happiness, clarity and peace of mind. We are able to function and do daily life with ease.

Health problems in 2017
Here is a list of common health problems facing people today: heart disease, cancer, pain and arthritis, diabetes, obesity, digestive problems, allergies, asthma, sleep problems, headaches and the list goes on. For most of these problems, we do not have to live with them, we can relieve the symptoms and prevent further problems or illnesses. Another big problem today is stress. Stress is a killer. We know that stress negatively affects the body and is linked to high blood pressure. We don’t have to accept stress and health problems as our “normal”. Let’s make a new normal, and that is “optimal health”!

Let us begin
We need to visualize the health we want and how we want to feel. This vision is now our goal, let’s write it down. Post the goal where you’ll see it every day, whether it’s on your bedroom door, bathroom mirror, refrigerator, the side of your computer monitor, or somewhere you’ll be reminded of it every day. Next, we need to establish a plan of action. Have you ever heard the Benjamin Franklin quote, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”? A goal without an action plan is bound to be a dream. You will choose from the steps below which one you want to work on first and schedule it as a priority to work on. Once you’ve set up your plan, take action! Taking action is what will produce results. If you feel overwhelmed by making changes, take one step at a time, even if you have to stay at one step for a few weeks or months before you feel like you can move on to the next. Eventually you will form new habits and your health will improve.

the 5 steps
I won’t go into the details of why each step is important because this is going to become a book, but a quick Google search will give you plenty of resources on the benefits. And while I wholeheartedly believe that we should always focus on nutrition first, customize these steps and start where you feel most comfortable. Remember, one step at a time, I know you can do it.

Step 1 – Whole Food Nutrition
Processed foods come in packages or boxes like cakes, cookies, candy bars/snacks, chips, sugary cereals, etc. and have no nutritional value. Fast food, which is mainly fried food, contains trans fats that are harmful to our health. If we want to have energy, no bloating, no heartburn, no pain and no headaches, we need to focus on eating a diet made up primarily of whole foods. Whole foods are foods that have one ingredient; themselves. These are foods like: potatoes, carrots, oatmeal, rice, beans, broccoli, cucumbers, eggs, fish, apples, bananas, berries, etc., you know. Eat foods that are full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (a substance that protects our cells). This doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy those other processed treats, but they shouldn’t make up the majority of our diet. Think of the 80/20 rule for your nutrition, 80% nutritious whole foods, 20% treats. Remember, take one step at a time.

Here are the steps in this section:
– focus on finding new foods to eat instead of what you can’t eat
– create a shopping list to be prepared for the store
– limited to buying food in the produce section and on the outside perimeter of the grocery store
– Try 1 or 2 new vegetables each week until you find something you like and play with the way you cook it (steamed, baked, boiled). Vegetables can be hidden in smoothies! Spinach is completely hidden in a frozen berry protein shake.
– find healthy recipes online, once or twice a week start making real food at home from scratch. A slow cooker could become your new best friend.
– Get in the habit of preparing some meals and snacks ahead of time, this will save you time, stress and money in the long run. Even cooking your foods in bulk, like lean meats, healthy whole grains, and chopping vegetables and storing them in the fridge, will guarantee your success. You’ll be able to put together a healthy meal in no time!

Step 2 – Water
Our bodies are made up of 60% water and our brains are made up of 70% water! We need water to survive. Water lubricates our bodies and joints, helps cleanse and eliminate toxins, helps with digestion, skin complexion, energy, and much more!

Here are the steps in this section:
– drink a glass of natural spring water first thing in the morning
– fill a large bottle with fresh, natural spring water – keep this bottle by your side all day so he sees it and remembers to drink it
– Spice up your water if you are not a fan of it, try infusing some slices of fruit, vegetables or spices in your bottle. Tasty flavor enhancers are: orange slices, strawberries, cucumber slices, lemon slices, lime slices, or mint leaves
– replace a glass of soda, juice, alcohol or coffee with a glass of hydrating water – this can help your waistline and you’ll feel better too!

Step 3 – Exercise
The body was meant to move. If you think about it, our lymphatic system does not have a pump, so we should not be sedentary, we need to move. Exercise has a host of benefits including increased energy, improved strength, prevention of bone and muscle loss, improved mood, and it will help us live longer! Exercising can be overwhelming, so it’s all about finding something you enjoy and taking it easy, one step at a time. *ALWAYS consult your physician before beginning this or any other exercise program.

Here are the steps in this section:
– just walk – even if it’s 1 day a week for 20 minutes, increase until you can walk longer and more often
– Do resistance training: build up to at least 3 days a week, if you don’t know what to do, check out YouTube, it’s a great resource, or hire a trainer at the gym. You can also go back to the old days of gym class and start with the basics: push-ups, dips, sit-ups, bike crunches, squats, and lunges.
– stretch your body – yoga is fantastic for lengthening our bodies and strengthening our core. You’d be amazed at the pain you can relieve from your body just by opening it up!

Step 4 – Heal Deeply
What I mean by healing deeply is clearing away any old emotional baggage that is holding you back in life. This is an awkward step, but it is critical. It is not healthy to be filled with anxiety, worry, stress, fear, guilt, and shame all the time. If we are stuck living in the past or worried about the future, then we cannot fully live in the now. We must be present, free, clear and at peace.

Here are the steps in this section:
– seek counseling or psychotherapy – never be embarrassed to get help, we need to solve problems in order to move forward in life
– read personal development books – increase your awareness and understanding of yourself and others. One of my favorite books is called The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer.
– learn to forgive – being angry or upset with another person only hurts you more than them
– practice meditation to reduce stress
– try energy work or alternative therapies – Reiki, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, aromatherapy, classical homeopathy, etc.

Step 5 – Sleep
Sleep is a beautiful thing. We need sleep to rest, recover, repair ourselves and have renewed energy. If getting a good night’s sleep is a problem for you, then consider something called sleep hygiene (see below).

Here are the steps in this section:
– set a bedtime – get in the habit of going to bed at the same time every night, even if you don’t fall asleep right away
– remove all light – sleep in complete darkness, this even means putting your alarm clock behind a cabinet door or in a drawer
– lower the thermostat – some people find it easier to sleep in a cooler temperature
– keep a diary nearby – if your best ideas come to you at 11 pm, write them down so you can forget about them until tomorrow
– cell phones in the hallway – you will still hear your alarm! We know that electromagnetic fields are harmful, so don’t have that WiFi-connected device under your pillow, charging next to you, or even in your bedroom.
– if you’re not tired… you’re probably not moving enough during the day to expend energy or you’ve had caffeine too late in the day
– if you are anxious… go back to step 4 and go back to sleep

There you have it, those are simple steps you can take to start changing your health, relieve symptoms and prevent further problems. There is no magic wand that can make changes for us, so we have to do it ourselves. Take one step at a time, create a habit, and then move on to the next step. Your efforts will combine and you will be amazed at your own transformation.


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