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The Science of Getting Rich – Is Wallace Wattles’ Book Really As Good As I’m Making It Out?

You have information overload when you know the names and can cite Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Esther Hicks, Bob Procter, Brian Tracy, Napoleon Hill, Norman Vincent Peale, Dale Carnegie, Jack Canfield, Rhonda Byrne and a thousand others. ..

You’ve literally read the book, seen the movie, and bought the t-shirt, but has it really changed your life for the better? Or rather, has your life really changed dramatically for the better? Sure, now your thought process is more focused, sharper, more agile, and enables you to solve problems faster, quicker, and better. Currently, you always keep a positive image in your mind and always read your goals out loud before bed, but what has been the overall net benefit? Not too sure?

Too many cooks have spoiled this broth and we’ve all gotten sick of this ‘self-help motivation’ feast, but in the end we became fatter mentally than intellectually. We got too much information and we got paralyzed! We tried everything and got nowhere. We baked a cake that had a little bit of Tony Robbins, a touch of Jack Canfield and Bob Procter, all drizzled with generous amounts of Rhonda Byrne. The cake was a dud, it didn’t rise, it was half baked! Sounds familiar? You know?

Really, we just need and want the critical basics, the fundamentals, the nuts and bolts. Whether you are the butcher, baker or candle maker, you just want the information to make money, wealth and wealth in its most easy to understand and effective form. Do you agree?

Wallace Wattles has written a book that is, in my opinion, the most basic, refreshingly forceful, almost brutal, and utterly undiplomatic exposition of the mechanics of creating wealth and personal success.

A friend of mine suggested I read The Science of Getting Rich by New Thought writer Wallace Wattles. He explained that this book inspired Rhonda Byrne and the creators of the movie The Secret and its accompanying book, coincidentally also called The Secret! She’s a smart girl and if she said so, she’s good enough for me…and Rhonda Byrne has since confirmed that to Oprah.

I knew Wallace Wattles but had never read The Science of Getting Rich. I’m sorry now. Ironically, I already had this book in my possession. It had been in my vast digital library collecting cyber dust.

My mom always told me ‘Think happy, otherwise your worst fears will always happen’. She was telling me exactly what the motivational leaders and personal development chart write about today. That whatever you think about the most will happen, that your dominant thought creates your physical reality.

Wattles wrote about this phenomenon in 1910. Today, in the 2010s, a thousand business gurus, new agers, Jedi Masters, and self-improvement ninjas throw this line at you all day. Wattles exposed this ‘secret’ over a hundred years ago.

Wattles writes directly to you and doesn’t mince words. He doesn’t hide behind phrases, rhymes, or sound bites. He tells it like it is, his words are crystal clear and he spells it out repeatedly so you get the message.

And the message is short and sweet because the truth is always short and sweet. Most people don’t need 645 pages to learn about the ‘secret’. Most just want someone to say ‘do this, do this and then this will happen’. Most people want an instruction booklet, a quick start manual, a “how to”. In my opinion, Wallace Wattles’s masterpiece is just that. Tell me what I want to know in about 55 pages and I’ll listen… and follow you up the mountain… and make the tea!

Wattles says some things in this book that would be considered controversial in 2010, never mind 1910! He touches on religion, family, the poor and even information overload, but his thinking makes sense, it all adds up, hits the mark.

All opinions are subjective, therefore personal and in my opinion this book simply reveals the best advice for anyone looking for the formula to create, achieve or attract wealth, success and life improvement. Neither Wallace Wattles nor I can guarantee that you’ll get rich, but after reading The Science of Getting Rich, you might…and in the end, you might even get the girl (or the guy).


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