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The health drawbacks of masturbation

Although many sites and articles state that masturbation is a healthy behavior, they condemn excessive masturbation. Being addictive, people who masturbate become slaves to the behavior and like to do it excessively. It is almost similar to drug addiction. The health detriments of masturbation mainly occur from excessive masturbation. Remember, excessive masturbation is the result of an addiction that is actually difficult to control. Some of the health drawbacks are explained below.


Prostatitis: This is an inflammation of the prostate gland. The swelling is the result of regular filling and emptying of the glans and erections. The enlarged prostate stores fluids that are expelled after or during urination, causing an itchy sensation and sometimes a urinary tract infection.

Parasympathetic nerve weakness: This nerve plays an important role in maintaining a hard erection and retaining semen. Excessive masturbation weakens this nerve and control of erection and ejaculation is lost as a result.

Weakening of the pubococcygeus muscle (PC muscle): Masturbation weakens the PC muscles. Both sexes have this muscle but when it is weakened it affects the sexual life of the male. The PC muscle controls urination and ejaculation. A weakened PC muscle causes another sexual health disorder called semen leakage. Semen leakage is a condition where semen easily oozes or flows out even with the slightest erection. Sometimes the urine also leaks uncontrollably.

Hormonal imbalance: Excessive masturbation results in excessive secretion of hormones like dopamine, neurotransmitters, and serotonin. These hormones are detrimental to a man’s sexual strength and often cause premature ejaculation.

Infertility: Excessive masturbation results in regular and excessive ejaculation. As a result, sperm count and quality are reduced and can lead to infertility.

Premature ejaculation: This is caused by the enlargement of the prostrate gland which, when aroused, lets out semen. After a premature ejaculation, the rigidity is lost. The penis in its weak state cannot penetrate.


Foreign bodies are toys and instruments used for masturbation. Some women have ended up undergoing surgery when the objects they used to masturbate got stuck in their private parts.

The effects of the vibrator, the strong vibration force causes fatigue and damage to parts such as: G-spot, sphincter muscle, splanchnic nerves and the bladder. Most women use strong vibrational energy for quick results without knowing the damage they cause.

Irritation: High-speed rubbing is one way to speed up masturbation. Whether internally or externally, rubbing causes irritation. The vaginal tissues and lining are most often itchy after masturbation. This increases the chances of contracting sexually transmitted infections and vaginal complications.

Reduced sexual pleasure: Excessive masturbation damages the vaginal lining, nervous system, G-spot, and clitoris. During actual sex with the opposite partner, climax becomes elusive and thus sexual pleasure is reduced.

According to online views, most of the victims get addicted easily and masturbate too much. As it is medically said that ‘prevention is better than cure’, it is advisable to prevent this habit before it causes additional problems in your sexual being in general.


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