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The best time to email a resume

What time should you email your resume?

We live in an age where email can be checked at the touch of a button. We carry these handheld computers with information at our fingertips. This can be seen as a bad thing or a good thing. Timing is everything!!! The hiring manager can easily check his inbox and view his resume, but most importantly:Will they take action? That’s what you ultimately want, right? Get it forwarded to the right department, marked as important, or printed.

The answer isn’t as simple as you think, but hopefully these tips filter out some of the bad decisions.

1. Who is going to see your resume? Also, when will they take action? We’ve all been there, spending all night visiting monster.com, jobs.com, Craigslist.org and blindly submitting our resumes. Not only are you wasting your time, but your email, if and when you open it, is likely to be in the middle of your inbox. Think about it… when they open their email client, say at 9:15am, yours will be lumped in with others lost in the endless abyss of spam/competitor emails.


has. Time zones-Depending on whether you are sending an email to the REAL office or to your main office, who will then forward it to the correct location
b. To lease-Similar to the time zone variable, how do most of this demographic get to work? If a lot of them drive, chances are they won’t check AND take action on your email.
against Company Profile-Look at the average age of employees – this will give you an idea of ​​how they check their emails, whether they drive or take public transportation, where they find potential candidates, etc.

let’s do better

1.Before 9am–The average American gets to work at 9am, so anything before that is a gamble. However, if you are sending it to a metro area with public transportation, assuming the hiring manager also uses public transportation and sends it around 8 am it might be worth it. Personally, when I’m on the train, I check my email and Facebook. But will they take the proper course of action to do something about it? Also, some don’t like to do anything work-related before entering the office, so this period of time is a gamble.

2. Around 9 am– If you think back to the first time you came into the office, the first thing I did was grab my coffee and start on my email. This would be one of my time slots that I send my email.

3. Lunch time–This is a tough time because people aren’t usually busy, but will they be tempted to open work-related emails?

4. After lunch–During this time frame, people tend to think about their commute to work, what to cook for dinner, and other non-work related obligations they may have after work. However, this time slot has the fewest bets.

In my opinion, I like times around 9 am and after lunch for them to read my resume. These are not definitive answers due to the variables that are present, but in my experience I feel that these are the best given the circumstances.


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