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STOP the hustle! Ask yourself: Why do I get out of bed in the morning?

Seems like a simple question, right? Unfortunately, this question is one that many people haven’t asked themselves in a long time. Finding our purpose in life is an ongoing journey, but a good starting point is to ask yourself this question frequently; “Why do Do I get out of bed in the morning?

In today’s society we welcome the hustle and bustle. People today are busy, and I mean very busy. Driving their kids to school and extracurricular activities, working late nights at the office, trying to exercise for themselves, the list goes on and on. Busyness has become a status symbol and gives a feeling of self-worth, the busier you are, the more important you have to be. People take everything they need to accomplish in a day very seriously and they go to great lengths trying to accomplish those tasks. This endless cycle of hustle and bustle creates a huge problem. One day you might wake up and in the midst of your busyness you wonder, “What am I trying to do with my life?” You see that the hustle is a daily and weekly cycle, and doesn’t leave much room to look ahead. Busyness is a nervous way of living where approval comes from others and not from oneself. It’s time to slow down and focus on what’s really important to you.

The busy cycle is one in which you will never feel deeply satisfied. It lacks long-term goals and meaningful actions. Finding our true purpose in life, the reason we get up every morning, is how people lead lives of abundance and fulfillment. One way to begin discovering your life purpose is to determine those actions on your schedule that are done for the sake of social status or to gain the approval of others and those actions that are an expression of you. When you quiet your mind and begin to tune in to those small actions that bring you the most joy, you will be on your way to discovering your life purpose. Ask yourself what you really need in your life. Right after the three basic necessities of food, shelter and clothing… what is the most important thing? What do you want most? What we really want most often reflects our purpose.

Some people are intimidated when trying to find their life purpose because they think it must be an elaborate plan to change the world. Which, that’s fine if it is, but let’s face it, most people have simple, meaningful statements of purpose that drive their lives. Your life purpose can be anything you want it to be, whether it’s helping others in a specific way, being true to yourself, or providing for your family to the best of your ability. Please understand that people who truly live their purpose are operating at the highest level and are constantly growing, expanding, and utilizing their gifts and talents. It’s okay if you don’t know your purpose instantly, you will continue to change and refine it over time. What matters is that you start thinking about aligning with your purpose and, in time, more joy and abundance than you ever thought possible will find its way into your life. Really stop for a moment and ask yourself, “Why do Do I get out of bed in the morning?


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