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SmartKey vs. SecureKey

When Schlage and Kwikset pulled out locks that the homeowner can re-lock, many locksmiths were upset that they saw a loss of business. My answer was the opposite: any product that saves the customer time and money is a good idea. Now that these locks have been on the market for a while (in fact, many hardware stores now only have the Secure Key and Smark Key systems), I have mixed feelings about the product. Read on for a brief review and comparison between Schlage Secure Key and Kwikset Smart Key products.

Kwikset SmartKey:

The basic objective of the system is to allow the owner to easily change the working key of their locks without the need for a locksmith. Kwikset’s SmartKey was one of the first on the market and it looks and works exactly the same as traditional cylinders. The only sign that it is a smart key lock is the small hole at the 10 o’clock position in the cylinder. Follow these steps to change the lock key

1) Insert a current working wrench and turn 90 degrees.

2) Insert the “key change tool” into the hole in the front of the cylinder (a small paper clip can also work). You will hear a slight click.

3) Remove the working key from the lock (do not turn it).

4) Insert a new Kwikset cut key into the lock.

5) Turn the new key to the initial position and remove it.

The lock is now re-keyed! Without getting too mechanical, the cylinder uses a series of ratchets instead of traditional pins to allow any factory cut Kwikset keys to work in the lock. The lock is also resistant to knocks and pitting. With all these features, I was initially very impressed with this system, but quickly discovered some issues that I should be aware of:

a) You must have a key to change the key of the lock. Kwikset makes a tool that will allow a locksmith to reset the lock without a key, but I don’t know of many locksmiths (besides me) who currently own one of these tools.

b) Cylinders break easily. A traditional pin / drum cylinder can take a beating, but smart cylinders with small ratchets are a bit tricky. The biggest problem seems to come from badly cut keys (which are more common than you might think). When a poorly cut key is placed in the lock and some turning pressure is applied, the ratchets often break or bend. Sometimes it catches the key in the lock, and sometimes it prevents the owner from opening the lock all the way.

c) Cylinders cannot be easily repaired. Not only do cylinders break easily, they cannot be repaired when broken and require replacement and again, many locksmiths do not stock these cylinders.

Schlage SecureKey:

Schlage quickly followed suit and released his own version of a lock that can change keys. Again, the cylinder looks exactly like a traditional cylinder from the outside, except for a small “+” sign above the keyway. Follow these steps to change the lock password:

1) Insert the special blue key that comes with the lock and it is cut just like a working key and turn 10 degrees to the left.

2) Take out the blue key and insert a new blue key cut the same as the new working key.

3) Turn the lock to the initial position.

4) Remove the blue key.

Again, the lock now has a new key and uses a series of ratchets to perform this function. While the lock does not offer any additional protection against spikes, it is shockproof. I generally prefer Schlage products to Kwikset products; however, Schlage needs a lot of refinement before it can recommend the secure key. Some of the problems include:

a) Special blue keys are needed to change the lock key. These keys are not widely available to the homeowner, so a locksmith will still need to be called to have the key replaced.

b) There is currently no way to reset or change the lock password if you don’t have a working password. If all keys are lost, the cylinder must be replaced.

c) The blue keys are very difficult to remove when retyping. I have had more customers who have broken the cylinder trying to use the blue keys than those who have successfully replaced the lock. A Lowe’s contact informed me that nearly 30% of Schlage Secure Key locks are returned within the first year.

d) The blue keys will seriously damage the lock if used for normal operation. Many owners see the pretty blue key and place it on their keychain for everyday use. The key can work multiple times, but in a short time the lock will stop working.

e) As with the Kwikset smart key, cylinders cannot be repaired when broken.


While I think both companies are heading in the right direction, they still need refinement. Once the above issues are addressed, I hope to see these locks on all doors. In the meantime, if you are in a situation where you need a regular key change or need the locks to be instantly modified, I suggest an electronic lock (Schlage and Master are great inexpensive electronic locks) or interchangeable cores (call me for more information )


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