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Should I get a taser, stun gun, or pepper spray?

Over the years, I have received many requests from personal safety device seekers asking if they should purchase a Taser, stun gun, or pepper spray. They always seem to be wondering the same thing. I usually interpret your question like this: “Which of these non-lethal defense products will give me the most protection?” or “Which one should I buy?” Instead of leading those people to my favorite option, the X26 Taser, I do my best to explain the pros and cons of each of the three options listed above.

In this article, I will do my best to provide an honest evaluation of each option. I’ll also try to show examples of how each option can affect personal security in the real world. After reviewing all the options, hopefully you will be able to decide which option is right for you and your family.

First, we will examine the pros and cons of owning a stun gun for self defense. Let’s start with the bad news. The biggest downside I can think of to relying on a stun gun for protection is proximity. Whenever possible, we don’t want to be any closer to the enemy than we need to be. The scope of a stun gun puts you very close to the bad guy, so it’s definitely a scam.

Now, realistically, it’s going to be difficult for many people to recognize from a distance that they’re in danger, so a stun gun can come in handy as long as you can get to it before the attacker gets their hands on you. An advantage of stun guns is that if used correctly, a stun gun should at least disorient its attacker. Hopefully this will give you enough time to escape. Regardless of which of these tools you choose to defend yourself, the name of the game is flight. Do whatever you have to do to flee the scene, and then call for help.

Now let’s move on to pepper sprays. There are various pepper sprays on the market to choose from. Everything from Mace Police force sprays, Mace night defense products to Vampire pepper sprays, you have plenty of self defense options. One of the biggest benefits of pepper sprays is that they extend the useful range from close proximity to a few feet. This puts valuable space between you and your attacker. Unfortunately, this “safe zone” can also create a huge scam. For pepper sprays to be effective, you must hit your attacker with a direct shot to the face. Anything less and you just poked the bear. The last thing you need is an even angrier attacker closing in on you. If you want pepper spray to be effective for self-defense, you’ll need to spend a fair amount of time perfecting your aim.

Finally, let’s talk about Taser. Believe it or not, I’m not going to go hard selling here. That is not my intention with this article. Rather, my intention is to educate you on the pros and cons of each personal security device and allow you to decide which one is right for you. I think you’ve probably already guessed what I think is the biggest advantage of using a Taser. You’re wrong! Actually, there are two that seem to me of equal importance. The first one you probably guessed. Tasers give you a 12 to 15 foot barrier between you and your assailant. However, there is another pro that I bet you overlooked. Tasers not only have an extended useful range, they also greatly increase the size of the target. Remember, with stun guns the attacker needs to be within arm’s reach and with pepper sprays your intended target is only the size of a human head. That’s not a very big target, even if you’re aiming for the head of the most narcissistic criminal.

If you’re using a Taser, you now have your entire body to target, not just your head, so accuracy becomes much less of an issue. On newer models like the Taser X2, you can even see where your target is going to hit. The X2 features dual lasers to pinpoint where each probe will make contact with its attacker. It also has a backup take feature, so if for some crazy reason you fail, you get another shot. Like everything in life, there is a downside, or downside, to using a Taser. There are actually a couple.

The first drawback is the associated cost. Buying a Taser will be the most expensive option, even if you buy it at a cheap price. It might be a good idea to spend a bit more on extra cartridges because, like with pepper sprays, you’ll want to get good at hitting close to where you intend to hit. Another downside to using an X2 or X26 taser is the hoops you’ll have to jump through to reach one. In several states, you will be required to have a CPL (Concealed Handgun License), while in others, a background check is all that is needed. Many states do not differentiate between Tasers and stun guns, so these steps may also be a scam associated with stun guns. Do a quick search of your state’s laws regarding non-lethal weapons to see what you’ll be up against.

I hope this article has given you an idea of ​​the level of protection that each personal defense device can offer you and your family. Whichever option you choose, be sure to arm yourself with plenty of training. Stay safe out there and God bless you!


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