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Sell ​​more books with an email newsletter

NOTE: Because many words in this article are likely to trigger sp^m filters, we’ve disguised them with symbols (for example, sp^m). This will guarantee a higher delivery rate if you use this article in your e-zine.

If you’re selling your book online, you’re virtually guaranteed to increase sales by publishing an email newsletter or “e-zine.”

Why? Well, for starters, it’s a great way to give readers a taste of your expertise and style along with samples of your content. This ensures that they get to know you, trust you, and hopefully buy your book when they’re ready to learn more.

Plus, it’s a great way to *engage prospects* who aren’t ready to buy your book when they visit your site, but are still interested in the information you have to share.

Based on my own experiences marketing my manual, ‘Boost Business With Your Own Ezine’, here are 7 ways to help increase book sales using an email newsletter.

  1. First things first: Encourage e-zine SUBSCRIPTIONS on your Web site where you promote your book. Before you even start posting, start collecting email addresses. Place a signup form in many places on your site to invite visitors to subscribe to your free e-zine. This way, if a visitor isn’t interested in buying your book today, they can subscribe to your e-zine for free. She now hasn’t lost it, and she’ll learn even *more* about her book by being a subscriber. E-zine publishers also report EXCELLENT sign-up results using pop-ups and under-boxes on their websites. Examples: On my main site, http://www.ezinequeen.com, I have a signup form on EVERY page, as well as a popup box. On my book sales site, [http://www.ezinequeen.com/tutorial], I have a popup box that appears once you close the main window. Remember: NEVER sign anyone up without their permission!
  2. Feature EXCERPTS and/or TIPS from your book in your e-zine. These can be direct excerpts or short tips that summarize some of your content. Go through your book and highlight individual tips or small sections that might stand on their own. Just don’t give away the whole store! For example, giving your readers a full chapter of your book in each issue is overkill. In addition to pulling material directly from your book, try other spins on your topic, such as a top 10 tips list, a how-to article, a resource list, or a review of an industry trend. Example: One of my clients, a life coach, has a hardcover book right now that features 101 tips on how to attract what he wants in life. Each issue of his weekly e-zine features one such tip, along with a brief explanation of how to implement it.
  3. Immediately after your article, provide a short PROMO BLURB that unabashedly highlights your book. Why right after the article and before anything else? If someone reads your article/tip and says to themselves, “Wow, that was great information,” they’ll be ready to hear what else you have to share on that topic. Really cheer him up and have a good time with him. Example: “Did you like today’s article? If you did, you’ll LOVE my new book, ‘Double Your Business in Six Months.’ It’s packed with over 257 great ideas to help you grow your business FAST. Learn More and place your order now at [Web address here]. You can start using my top tips in a matter of minutes!”
  4. In each issue, offer a TESTIMONY from one of your book buyers. Let your readers know that many other people just like them ARE buying your book and LOVE it. Idea: Create a small section in your e-zine for this purpose. In each issue, submit a short testimonial from one of your readers here. Example: “What ‘Beauty Blastoff’ readers are saying: ‘I can’t tell you how much your book helped me improve my appearance. Thanks to your advice, I lost 20 pounds, cleared my skin, and got rid of all my unwanted hair. Now my rich ex-husband even wants me back. You’re a saint!'” – Suzy Smitten, Los Angeles, California.
  5. Offer your readers a SPECIAL DISCOUNT for a limited time. Make your readers feel special by offering them a special discount on your book when you can. For the best response rates, bid for a limited time to create a sense of urgency. I did this with my manual when it first came out and got great results. Example: “Subscribers Only: Buy my book before midnight this Friday and receive 20% off.” If you can’t offer your subscribers a discount, offer something else to make them feel special, like a bonus report or free phone consultation with their purchase.
  6. Mention your book in as many other places as possible in your e-zine. Bottom line: the more you mention your book, the better your chances of it being purchased. While your opportunities are endless, here are some ideas to get you started:
  • in your header (this is where you give the reader information about your post, usually at the top).
  • in your editor’s or publisher’s note (this is where you give your readers a personal note).
  • in your article (if you mention a certain point that you cover beautifully in your book, say so!)
  • To attract even more prospects, advertise your e-zine in your daily email SIGNATURE FILE.
    You know what a signature (or “sig”) file is, right? It’s that little blurb with contact information that you can automatically insert at the end of every email you send. In addition to your obvious contact information, provide a quick snap for your book AND e-zine.

    Why? Well, if you just advertise your book, some people will read your signature file and think, “Okay, but I don’t want to buy anything right now.” BUT if you advertise your e-zine for FREE, they are likely to take advantage of your offer. THEN you have them on your list.

    Example: This is what I have at the END of my signature file, after my contact information: “INCREASE BUSINESS by publishing your own email newsletter! Learn how now: sign up for free tips at http:/ /www.ezinequeen.com”.

  • (c) 2000-2003 Alexandria K. Brown. All rights reserved.


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