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Network Marketing Success: The Psychology Behind The Objection In MLM

The downline group that I was honored to help lead was a great team, and we had great talent in it.

But the only thing we all understood was this:

HELL Secret:

Lack of understanding about objections in MLM will create more objections.

You see, objections are just part of this business. Plain and simple. Just as gasoline is for a car or kerosene is for a fire, the objections are for our business.

An objection is nothing more than a catalyst, or a roadmap, to make something happen with your business, or to accept that nothing will happen because of the objection. That is up to you and solely up to you.

And let’s face it:

Nobody likes objections. At least that’s what the paradigm is for the MLM industry. But for whatever reason, we are never taught to truly handle objections, only to endure them.

We were all taught to hug them and not fear them, as they were a clue of what was happening with perspective and what was going to be said next.

You need to understand this: all objections in MLM from a psychological point of view come from 1 of 2 things:

1) Natural defense mechanisms.

2) Lack of perceived value.

And usually, the defense mechanism is activated when a lack of value is felt, although some defense mechanisms are from past experiences.

How can you create an environment to decrease the natural defense mechanisms that are activated with many people? That is simple. Create a sense of “ownership” with your MLM prospect with your business.


1) Sincerely ask for their feedback and opinions on how to improve what you are doing and take notes.

2) Build on your accomplishments and transfer that feeling to your presentation.

3) Say, “I don’t know if this is for you or not, it may not be. But I just wanted to share some ideas and maybe get your insights.”

4) “All I want is what is right for you and your family, and this may not be right. But if it is, I really don’t want you to miss out.”

What do people contribute to (ideas, knowledge, etc.) and feel that their values ​​are respected, that will lessen any objections, as they have had a part in their success.

HELL Secret:

People will be more attracted to something they contribute and add to, than to what is simply “presented” to them.

How do you create what we call a massive perception of value?

That is simple.

LISTEN to what they say when you ask this question:

“I want to ask you a serious question. If there was one thing you could change for the better in your life, what would it be? And how would your life change because of it?”

On the other hand, LISTEN to what they are telling you because they are giving you VALUE HINTS about what is important and VALUED in your life. And there is a part of their wishes and dreams that is not being fulfilled or is not being fulfilled in their life, and they want to change it.

HELL Secret:

Wrap your hiring around that statement of value.

“If there was honestly a way I could help you get that into your life, would that be something you at least wanted to be aware of?”

And what you’ve done is put yourself in a “value posture” that you will feel throughout your hiring process. Whatever process you use, people MUST see value and a POSITION of value if you want to create a Least Objection environment. And when you have objections, you can relate them to the value posture that wants them, what is best for them.

Another great question is:

“How will not having the money you want affect your family?”

“Again … if we could find a solution to get what you want, then we can still create the positive change you want in your life for your family. Would that be something you would like?”

Follow up with a Value Posture and keep it focused on what they want to change and expand in their life, and assure them that they can.

There are many ways to neutralize objections. But understand: people will never oppose someone truly, honestly and with their best interest at heart, helping them get what is valued or lacking in their life.

Blessings … Doug

PassionFire Intl


(c) 2005 / all rights reserved


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