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It’s All Too Much: An Easy Plan for Living a Richer Life with Less Stuff by Peter Walsh

After reading and enjoying “Enough already!” by Peter Walsh, I bought his previous book, “It’s All Too Much”. I enjoyed this one too. The subtitle of the book is “An Easy Plan for Living a Richer Life with Less Stuff” and I discovered that that is exactly what this book was.

I think one of the most important lines in the book comes near the end when Walsh writes, “Getting organized for the sake of getting organized is a waste of time. Getting organized because it helps you live a richer, less stressed, happier, more productive life.” quiet”. more focused life, now that’s a goal worth pursuing.

Walsh presents practical advice on how to get rid of things, but also words of encouragement for living a life that fulfills you and not one that is overwhelming and stressful because you have too much. Walsh instructs you to think about the life you really want, including the home that will enrich your life and be a rhythm for living, not just storing things.

The opening chapters of Part One, The Clutter Problem, provide a starting point for taking a look at your home to determine if you’re a clutter addict and what excuses you’ve been using to not get organized and take control of your stuff. Walsh then has you imagine the life you want to live and determine what your ideal home would be. Once you’ve established this basic foundation and are motivated to do something about your clutter, move on to the second part of the book, Putting Clutter in Its Place.

The first step of the second part is the kickoff. Walsh helps you tackle surface clutter and get your junk removal started with a quick and dirty sweep of the clutter from it. He offers practical advice and tips for overcoming the things that may be bogging down your home and his life. He combines this with words of encouragement to help you get started and stick to it. He then tells her how to make a chart of all the rooms and areas, or zones, in his home to devise a plan to systematically clear and organize his entire home.

Walsh then includes specific chapters on various rooms, such as: the master bedroom, the children’s rooms, the living and family rooms, the home office, the kitchen, the dining room, the bathroom, and finally the garage, the basement and other warehouses. Each of these chapters includes tips and advice to help you maximize your space and be more organized and less stressed about things.

The final steps and final chapters provide strategies on maintenance, a cleaning checkup, and new rituals to keep your home tidy, stress-free, and a place to enjoy life.

The material in this book is neither shocking nor entirely new. You can find some of the same tips and similar strategies in other organization books. However, Walsh presents the information in an informal and motivating style that is enjoyable to read. I put Peter Walsh in there with my all-time favorite housekeeping and housekeeping expert, Don Aslett.

I’ve never been as messy as some of the people Aslett and Walsh write about, but maybe that’s because I periodically read books on decluttering and organizing to help keep me on track. I’ll admit, my biggest weakness is paper clutter that sometimes builds up too much, and then I have to take the time to tidy up and get rid of things. Every time I read a book like this, it not only helps me help others, it also makes me a little better at organizing myself. The motivation shot works.

If clutter and stuff are a problem, I highly recommend “It’s Too Much: An Easy Plan for Living a Richer Life with Less Stuff” by Peter Walsh. It’s easy to read, motivating, and full of practical solutions to clutter and stuff so you can enjoy life more, and that’s really what life is all about. It is not like this?


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