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Is there a link between psychic ability and diet?

Psychic the reading is based on paranormal inquiries and the person receives a fee for it. This type of scenario is performed through telephones, homes, or psychic fairs. Many consider this reading skeptical and controversial. A cold reading technique helps psychics make an assumption about the person through social cues and general statements.

Psychic readings are of many types:


Aura reading

Letters reading


Far reading



hand reading


Rune reading

Tarot reading

Eating and psychic abilities

The best and most important way to improve your psychic reading is to avoid eating red meat. A proper vegetarian diet will help open your mind’s senses and make reading more accurate. Meat dulls the brain and reduces the brain’s ability to think. The digestion of meat removes vital energy from the body and decreases its psychic sensitivity. Eating meat brings all the blood to the digestive system. Blood is drawn from the chakras and the organs that support our intuition. It is better to opt for a diet that contains fish, eggs, and dairy products. If your junk food intake is higher, then your body will behave like a radio with all poor signals. It is important to avoid negative signals from the body. A healthy diet with green will help retain positivity in the body.

But you have to maintain an optimal amount of raw vegetable intake. The intake will definitely make you one with free spirits. But too much of this will mislead you. The vegetarian diet with the adequate amount of fish will help to make a diet suitable for psychic reading.

Dietary restrictions are needed

There is a myth that vegetarian diets must be strictly followed to psychic readings. It must be a proper and healthy diet. One should avoid meat and one should also avoid junk food. The main mantra is that the balanced vegan diet that you follow should last much longer. The diet should contain a balanced form of food that can also contain lean meat. It is important to eat well and allow yourself a certain amount of calories. Understanding is important to staying healthy and listening to your body.

Herbs and psychic reading

There are many herbs that aid in these types of readings and help achieve prophetic dreams. To increase the psychic abilities in oneself, one can follow the use of the following herbs like

Ambergris: increases the psychic reading. It also raises the prophetic quotient in oneself.

ยท Anise- Increases clairvoyance.

Bay Leaf- Increases psychic powers.

Lemongrass: This herb increases clarity of thought and also increases the spirits’ awareness of understanding.

If one can place equal parts of bay leaf, lemongrass and cinnamon in a bowl and it should be left in the room. If the smell is inhaled, after that meditation it can be done correctly. It helps to have intuitive and prophetic dreams.


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