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How to lose weight in a week: 3 tips to gain

When you want to know how to lose weight in a week, it helps to start by understanding how your body works on a diet.

Some believe that starvation is a great way to lose weight. It helps, but it has limitations. Once your body is deprived of nutrients for some time, it reacts by going into starvation mode.

Under these conditions, without being sure of the availability of nutrients in the future, your body tries to conserve energy sources. It protects every bit of fat stored in your body, preferring to sacrifice protein for energy production. This interferes with your plans for how to lose weight in a week.

This is also why carbohydrate depletion has a limited effect on maintaining weight loss. In the long term, protective defense mechanisms will conspire to conserve fat against prolonged caloric restriction, preventing weight loss.

Crash diets are not very successful for this reason. Deprived of vital nutrients such as minerals and vitamins along with calories, the body’s metabolism locks in a concerted effort to preserve energy resources in the form of fat.

How to lose weight in a week? You must do three things.

Eat healthy

It is important to eat a balanced and healthy diet even when you plan to lose weight quickly.

This is because when you blindly try to cut calories, you will not only cause your body to take defensive measures to store fat, but it will throw other things like hormones and metabolism out of balance as well.

Using a weight loss calculator, calculate the number of calories you will need on a daily basis to meet your energy demands. This will vary depending on how old you are, whether you are male or female, how much you weigh, and how active you are.

Try to achieve a calorie deficit. This does not mean that you should starve yourself completely. That is counterproductive. Instead, you consume fewer calories than you need so your body is forced to seek the remaining energy from burning stored fat.

Muscle development

Muscles are like a furnace inside your body. They constantly burn calories for energy. The more muscular you are, the more energy your body will burn.

5 kilograms of muscle require 350 to 500 calories a day to maintain. This means that your muscles are burning the equivalent of 2.5 pounds of fat each week, even if you are at rest, doing nothing!

Building muscle requires resistance training and isometric exercise. You can do this at home or in a gym, and by lifting weights or doing other weight loss workouts with exercise equipment. This helps build muscle while losing weight quickly.

Include more protein in the diet

Proteins are harder to digest and take more energy to break down. They also drive your body to use fat for energy, helping you lose weight.

Adding one gram per pound of your body weight to your daily intake is a good measure. If you weigh 100 pounds, add 100 grams of protein to your intake every day. This is enough to build and repair muscles.

By combining these 3 approaches, you will quickly discover how to lose weight in a week.


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