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How to go from homelessness to prosperity and abundance faster than you ever thought possible

For a long time, my standard for these kinds of books has always been Christopher Gardner’s The Pursuit of Happyness. Although the movie gives a brief glimpse into this inspiring story, it’s his book that really shows you what Gardner really struggled to achieve the level of success he did.

Gardner’s book will make you laugh and cry too, but it somehow manages to assuage the pain and struggle he went through. You are a spectator, but you do not feel it like him.

This book, 180 Degrees, by Robert R., is different. Robert R. drags you to the edge of the cliff and makes you walk with him. You don’t feel alone as a spectator. Instead, you’re there, and it’s uglier than you can imagine.

When I was asked to review this book, I was a bit hesitant. Does the world really need another inspirational or autobiographical book? I have read many of these over the years while walking my own path of personal growth. I am happy to have done it.

Robert R. offers another important and profound difference here that makes this book that much more haunting and makes you want to know its history. Not only does he end up homeless like Gardner did, but he also struggles with drug addiction and the pain of escaping a lifestyle few will emerge from.

We start at the beginning, at least more or less: around the time Robert R. is between six and eight years old. He takes to cutting himself, a practice that will scar him for the rest of his life. He doesn’t get better either, since, when he is 14 years old, he is dealing drugs and doing “the hard stuff”: cocaine, acid, etc. The spiral continues and ends homeless and broken. Eventually, he escapes this lifestyle and, over a period of about 10 years, he becomes a millionaire at age 30.

Although this is an incredibly amazing story, it is so much more. Robert R. doesn’t just tell you the story of him. He tells you how he escaped and how you can too. He also learns all about the resources he used to clean up his life and make him sober and whole. Far beyond any faith, philosophy or recovery program, he discovers everything he needs to know to recover. This book includes an extensive reading list, as well as organizations where you can get help not only for your addictions, but so that you can move forward and build prosperity and abundance in every area of ​​your life.

I recommend this book not only for those who suffer from addiction and do not see any way out. I also recommend it to addict lovers. It’s a rare glimpse into the mind of an addict. It will stun you, like you just saw a train wreck, but you will also find hope and healing. Read every word. You don’t want to miss any of it.


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